The 25 strangest murder weapons

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Categories: World

Unfortunately, murder is not uncommon even in modern society. But if you think that murders are committed only with the help of pistols, knives or fists, then you are very mistaken. We bring to your attention a list of the 25 strangest murder weapons.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In April 2010, former student-athlete Drew Clark hit a man who was fighting with his friend with a fire extinguisher. It was in Arnos Vale, Bristol, England. Clark took a fire extinguisher and hit the man twice on the head, crushing his skull. The victim died three days later in the hospital.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In 2012, a 40-year-old man was walking in the German city of Hanover when a stranger came out to meet him with an umbrella. The stranger passed by, then turned around and poked the man in the back with the tip of the umbrella. Apparently, a needle was built into the umbrella, through which mercury got into the victim's body, which caused the German to fall into a coma, from which he never came out.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Chairs were killed more than once, but the most terrible case was probably the one that occurred in one of the London campuses in December 2013. A group of six teenagers attacked Donald McNicol because of the computer controversy. The victim suffered a serious head injury with a chair and died two weeks later.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In April 2006, 61-year-old Jimmy Hackley from Jacksonville, Florida, strangled 29-year-old Patricia Ann McCollum with sweatpants. He was convicted under the article "Murder in the first degree".

The 25 strangest murder weapons

When Daniel Kovarbasich was 12, he got a job walking Dwayne Hurley's dog. It turned out that Hurley was a pedophile, and soon their relationship turned sexual. This lasted until January 22, 2010, when Daniel, tired of being raped, repeatedly hit Dwayne on the head with a jar of pickles. And then, to make sure Hurley was dead, he stabbed him several times. After learning the whole story of Kovarbasich, the court sentenced him to five years probation.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In March 2014, 42-year-old Michael Marshall used a shovel as a murder weapon during a fight with 25-year-old Demarcus Jones in Yazoo City, Mississippi. After the attack, Demarcus' brother named Jermaine shot Marshall, for which he was convicted. But as soon as Marshall himself came out of the hospital, he was also convicted of murder.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

This construction tool became a murder weapon, taking the life of 27-year-old Chinese student Chen Liu in south Sydney in 2008. His body was found wrapped in a carpet tied with electrical wires. During the autopsy, 34 nails were found in the victim's skull.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

A 14-year-old boy used a bowling ball to kill his five-year-old neighbor Sida Osman in Fort Worth, Texas. The killer hit the boy on the head with a 6-kilogram ball because he was "annoyed". Despite the fact that the killer was a teenager, he was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Bryant Willerson of Augusta, Georgia, had an argument with William McClain in June 2012. The argument escalated and escalated into a fight, and then Willerson grabbed a floor lamp and started beating McClain. McClain died on the spot as a result of his injuries.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

A corkscrew was used as a murder weapon in Brooklyn, New York, in February 2008, when 55-year-old Murat Saint Hilaire was hit on the head with it. Relatives found him lying on the bedroom floor with a corkscrew sticking out of his head.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In 2007, 21-year-old Jason Webster — a jealous history student — killed his girlfriend Rebecca Love (26 years old) in a drunken quarrel. He stabbed her with a pen. Her body was found by a university employee two days later — it had 93 wounds in the head, chest, neck and torso.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In October 2011, Danny Kirk, pastor of a Baptist church in Texas, was beaten to death with an electric guitar. This was done by 33-year-old Derrick Berdow. When the police arrived at the scene of the crime, they had to use a stun gun to calm Berdow, who had an attack of paranoia a few days before the murder.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

A chainsaw is considered one of the most brutal murder weapons. In April 2010, in Lewisville, Texas, a certain Jose Corona used not one, but two chainsaws to cut his wife into pieces. After that, he dragged her headless body to the street, where the postman found her.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In 2011 , a homeless woman from Louisiana Debra Hewitt killed her boyfriend Dwayne Ball with her prosthetic leg. According to police, she attacked him, then took off the prosthesis and, balancing on her only leg, beat him to death.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In 2004, Michael Desiderio chopped up his friend and roommate Riccardo Richardson with a katana in Queens, New York. They quarreled over a pillow.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Actor Ramon Novarro, who starred in the movie "Ben Hur", was killed by a dildo that was shoved into his mouth, as a result of which he suffocated. The killers turned out to be two Chicago thieves who strangled the actor with a lead phallus that Rudolph Valentino gave him 45 years ago. They did this in the hope of finding $5,000 in his house, but in the end they found only $20.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

When Richard Clare from Fern Dells, England, tried to rob disabled Timothy Maggie, he began to defend himself. As a result, Claire took a dessert spoon and hit the man on the back of the head so hard that he tore his artery, which caused him to die from blood loss.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

51-year-old Donna Lang from Everett, Washington, strangled her partner with her breasts after falling asleep on him. Witnesses say they heard the man shouting for her to get off him. Lang was very drunk and told police she had no idea how he died. She was convicted of second-degree murder.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

As incredible and terrible as it may sound, but in 2007, China Arnold used a microwave oven to kill her 28-day-old daughter Paris Talley. She put the baby in the microwave for two minutes, and the girl died shortly after her mother got her. For this terrible crime, China Arnold was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Angeles Cadillo-Castro from Utah used these kitchen utensils to beat her five-year-old daughter. She beat her to death. When paramedics arrived at the crime scene, they found the body of a child with numerous lacerations. Soon the police found the broken pieces of the shoulder blade. Angeles was charged with first-degree murder.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In April 2013, the body of a 20-year-old girl was found next to a badly broken Xbox 360 console. Later, the police found that the girl's boyfriend beat her to death with a game console.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Apparently, even such a thing as a chessboard can become a murder weapon. According to the Viking legend of the 14th century, two Northerners Faber and Sowden was playing chess when the game became too tense and escalated into a fight. At first they started throwing pieces at each other, but then Faber grabbed an ancient chessboard (which was very heavy) and hit Souden on the head. He died instantly.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

Edith Maxwell, a 21-year-old teacher, was found guilty of murdering her father with a high-heeled shoe after a heated argument in July 1995. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison. It looks like the devil is really wearing Prada.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In 2007, five-year-old Monique Fulham was raped and strangled with a skipping rope, and then hung in a closet in her home in the Bronx. A terrible find was discovered by my grandmother.

The 25 strangest murder weapons

In 2006, the quarrel between Marvin Hill and his mistress Christina Eubanks became so tense that Hill decided to end the relationship. As a result, he did it not in the most traditional way — tore off the lid from the toilet and hit the woman on the head.

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