Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Categories: Culture | Exhibition

An artist who signs with the nickname Doodleskelly cannot be confused with anyone. His works are vivid, psychedelic and very strange. Almost all of them are dedicated to some occult knights wandering through the beyond worlds. However, sometimes the heroes of the paintings are some shamans and priests of unknown religions. Despite the fact that nothing is clear, it is very interesting to look at the works of Doodleskelly.

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

The style of the artist's works is very unusual and difficult to define. One can only assume that this is surrealism, but the author himself is silent about this. In Doodleskelly's paintings, the detail is striking — his technique is very complex and painstaking.

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

The author has a lot of fans. On Instagram, more than 70 thousand subscribers follow his unusual work. They not only actively like, but also comment on posts. The author himself willingly communicates with users, although he is in no hurry to reveal the secrets of his paintings.

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

Occult knights, shamans and mysticism in the paintings of the artist Doodleskelly

If you liked what Doodleskelly does, then you will surely appreciate the work of the illustrator with the nickname Azhmodai. He also likes to scare the viewer and his images are not always clear.

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