No one knows about sex

No one knows about sex

Categories: Health and Medicine

Last week, another SMARTY format game was held at the Lavash restaurant. This time, the main topic was chosen in what, it would seem, all adults understand — the quiz was dedicated to sex.

Do you remember the intellectual show "Own Game"? Three experts stand in front of the screen and answer questions of varying complexity on several topics. The same thing happens at SMARTY games, only instead of experts, teams consisting of strangers compete with each other. Unlike a TV intellectual show, teams at SMARTY games answer questions in a restaurant - quizzes are noisy, drunk, and traditional afterparties do not end until the morning. The games take place 3-4 times a week.

(7 photos in total)

No one knows about sex

Taking part in the "Own game" dedicated to sex is easy at first glance — especially after a couple of glasses of wine or glasses of strong alcohol. You can say vulgar nonsense, joke and not blush. Questions about the book "50 shades of grey" could not be answered due to embarrassment (they say that you, I only read Murakami!). It is alarming that adults know very superficially about natural processes such as orgasm, arousal and maintaining sexual health.

No one knows about sex

A few years ago, schools tried to introduce sex education lessons, but it ended with the dissatisfaction of the parent committees and the fact that the initiative was eventually forgotten. According to a survey conducted by the Levada Center on the eve of September 1, 2016, 85% of Russians supported the introduction of basic military training, while only 7% consider sex education lessons necessary. Which is quite strange, because these are issues that are directly related to health.

No one knows about sex

On Friday, Ekaterina Victoria Frank, a specialist of the Sex.rf training center, went to the game dedicated to sex. There the specialist found out why no one knows about sex and what to do about it.

Knowledge is superficial

No one knows about sex

Yes, adults know the definition of the word "orgasm" and other sexual terms. At the same time, it is clear that the knowledge is quite superficial: to dig deeper, to clarify something - the players are swimming.

This generation definitely did not have sex education lessons, but this does not mean that it is too late to engage in sexual self-education. It's about time!

Sex is associated not with a natural need, but with something vulgar

No one knows about sex

This is also really a big problem. When we have a headache or a stomach ache, we boldly go to the doctor to solve an urgent problem — health! And when a woman, having sex with her man, cannot get an orgasm — we are silent! They say, "it will pass by itself", "what to say about it", "yes, to whom to go". But this is also a problem, which, by the way, also directly concerns health.

We don't want to deal with the problem

No one knows about sex

No matter how sad it may sound, but everything that goes beyond the missionary pose (in extreme cases, doggie style) causes us shame and harsh rejection. Just in the course of a recent game, there was such a case: the presenter reads out the beginning of famous books and the one who first understands what work is in question wins the round. It was funny to watch the reaction of the players when the phrase from the book "50 shades of grey" sounded. It was clear that people knew the answer, but were embarrassed to answer.

There are two reasons for this embarrassment. Firstly, the players immediately blocked the forbidden topic — BDSM. Secondly, there was so much ridicule around this work, in particular over how BDSM culture is represented in the book. That is, people subconsciously realize that they don't know something.

No one knows about sex

Reliable information can be obtained even on this issue. First of all, it is practically necessary to know that sex can be done in different ways. You may never use these techniques, or you may finally find a solution to the most important problem in a relationship.

We easily change lipsticks, creams, phones and strive to create comfort around us with the help of technological solutions. So why should the same approach to sex cause shame? Or, more rarely, indifference? The sex industry has stepped far ahead, and as soon as you take a glimpse of the modern assortment, you will understand what you are losing.

On December 9, the Deworkacy coworking will host a lecture by psychologist, sexologist and coach of the Sex.rf training center Ekaterina Victoria Frank on the topic "Why you need to learn sex (18+)". This is a lecture for women and their men (you need to come in pairs) on how to strengthen relationships in the family, how to dispel the most stupid and familiar myths about sexuality, and how to properly talk to each other about problems about which most often you just want to be silent. Details are here.

On Saturday, December 10, another open lecture "Sex.rf" will take place in the coworking — "Sex gadgets for health and harmony in a couple (18+)". The presenter is a psychologist, presenter of radio broadcasts on "Moscow FM" and "Mediametrix", coach of the training center Oksana Bachinskaya. The lecture will talk about sex as a communication between a man and a woman, methods of prolonging arousal and the correct use of various sex gadgets. Details are here.

Keywords: Knowledge | Game | Relationship | Couple | Partner post | Sex toy | Sex fantasy | Training

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