Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

Categories: Africa | Children

Sierra Leone has one particular prison called Pademba. It differs from any other prisons in that only teenagers are kept here, waiting for a trial of their criminal case for several years.

Photographer Fernando Moleres visited the prison to capture the hard life of the teenagers there.

(Total 27 photos)

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

1. Sierra Leone is a small country in western Africa, known throughout the world for its low standard of living and, perhaps, the most beautiful African landscapes. True, quite recently the title of one of the sources of the Ebola epidemic was added to the image of the state.

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

2. As an illustration, photographer Fernando Moleres cites the story of a young boy named Abdul Moresey, who ended up in prison on murder charges in 2007 when he was just a child.

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

3. Abdul went to the river with his friend of about the same age - in the end the boy drowned, and his parents blamed Abdul for everything: he had no chance to get help from his family or lawyers, so he spent four years in Pademba prison, waiting for a verdict .

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!

4. Most of the teenagers in this colony can “boast” of similar stories - about their life behind bars and immediately after the release of Fernando Moleres and shoots his projects.

Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Jail for teenagers in Sierra Leone: this is where the real hell is!


Keywords: Teens | Sierra leone | Prison

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