How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

Summer is approaching, but this year this time of year does not cause any special emotions. The coronavirus pandemic has ruined our plans and deprived us of travel, so we will envy not those who flew to Bali, but those who were lucky enough to get a dacha at one time. During quarantine, the cottage is the best place to work and relax, of course, if there is Internet.

How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

Well, if there is still no Internet at the dacha, then nothing prevents us from organizing it there. To do this, there are five excellent and low-cost ways, one of which is certainly suitable for your case.

How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

This option is the simplest and at the same time it does not require any additional equipment costs from you. All you need is a smartphone and a good signal strength. The only nuance with this connection may be the features of your tariff. Some operators provide Internet distribution from your phone only for an additional fee. Therefore, if you are going to use the "Access Point" function, it is very important to carefully read the terms of the contract.

How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

If you plan to enjoy a vacation in the country for a long time, then distributing the Internet via a smartphone is unlikely to suit you. The gadget will be discharged and you will have to charge it more often than usual. This is annoying, and in addition it causes premature battery failure.

A USB modem with LTE support is a good way to distribute the Internet without the hassle and hassle of charging. Its purchase will cost about 1,500 rubles, but you will not regret these expenses.You just plug the modem into the USB port of your computer and use the Internet.

How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

But what if not only you, but also your family members need to use the Internet? A USB modem will not save you here, but a portable router will be able to satisfy the needs of all users. The device, the price of which is about 2 thousand rubles, you need to choose, focusing on the quality of communication. If you plan to use it to watch online videos, then we strongly recommend choosing a model with 4G.

How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

But what if the cottage is located in places where you haven't heard about LTE yet? In that case, you will have to look for a way to get a high-quality signal. A MIMO antenna is a good way to get mobile internet where it is not usually available. Please note that the antenna antenna is different and you need to choose carefully.

The antennas can be for indoor and outdoor use — you'd better choose a device for outdoor installation. The antenna should be directed to the nearest communication tower. Find it will help the programs Find Tower and Open Signal for iOS or "Cell towers. Locator", Network Cell for Android. The antenna costs about 5 thousand rubles and sometimes only it can help out.

How to connect the Internet in the country: 5 simple ways

This is the most expensive of all possible options, but if your country house is located in the taiga, then you do not have to choose. The plate will cost about 10 thousand rubles, but this is not the most expensive part of the system. You will have to pay from 50 to 100 thousand rubles for a full set.

Data exchange via satellite can be of two types. The first, asymmetric, implies receiving data via satellite, and transmitting via terrestrial channels. The second one is symmetrical, uses a satellite signal for both transmitting and receiving information.

Such an Internet has a serious disadvantage — signal delay. The signal transit time to the central satellite communication station will be approximately 250 ms and the same amount will be needed to overcome the return journey. In this regard, the ping can be 600 ms or even more. You can still work with documents, but if you are going to pass the time with an online game, then you will definitely not enjoy such leisure.

Yes, if you decide to work in the country with a computer, take care of fire safety. A properly selected extension cord will help to save your country house from disaster.

Keywords: Internet | Coronavirus | Equipment | Smartphone | Satellite

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