How do manholes in new York

How do manholes in new York

Categories: Production | Society | World

Probably no surprise the fact that many modern things and objects that surround us are doing in Asia. For example, the sewers of new York city, make in India, 13 thousand miles from Manhattan.

How do manholes in new York

Foundry Shakti Industries in the North of India produces manhole covers for Con Edison and the Department of environmental protection new York, as well as for their fellow in New Orleans and Syracuse.

How do manholes in new York

It all starts from the yard of the small factory where iron ore is stored.

How do manholes in new York

Like many hundreds of years ago, it is actively used manual labor, no lift, or any kind of lifting tools, all just in my head.

How do manholes in new York

Ore is loaded into the oven on the second floor of the shop, where the melted metal on the ground.

How do manholes in new York

Which is poured into molds.

How do manholes in new York

Everything is very simple! Confuses only the absence of any safety standards — all steelmakers are working in almost loincloths, barefoot, and nothing protects you from accidental contact with liquid metal on the skin. If lights up the edge of the cloth covering the body, the employee just puts out the fire with his hand and continues.

How do manholes in new York

How do manholes in new York

The company Con Edison buys a quarter of its manhole covers, approx 2750 per year, in India, where the order of their production. Municipalities and utility companies often buy their manhole covers through intermediaries who contract with foreign foundries; new York buys sewer lids through the company in flushing, Queens.

How do manholes in new York

Manhole covers manufactured in India by 20-60% cheaper than those produced in the United States. Workers foundries in India are paying the equivalent of several dollars a day, while the casters in the United States earn around $ 25 per hour. Despite the fact that they're on the other side of the world, manufacturing and shipping from India to be more profitable than in the United States.

How do manholes in new York

However, members of the Indian factories are happy and this is work and have money. Failed or broken hatches are to be melted...

How do manholes in new York

...or used for another purpose.

How do manholes in new York

How do manholes in new York

How do manholes in new York

If you're in new York, take a break from your smartphone, look down and remember that Luke, you have just crossed was made in a hot Indian shop man in a loincloth.

Keywords: India | World | Industry | Society | Sunroof | Manufacturer

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