Great Russian inventions that changed the world

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

Categories: History | Technology

Every year on the last Saturday of June in Russia marks Day of inventor and innovator. Our country is full of great scientists and inventors who have made a significant contribution not only to the Russian progress, but also in the world. Suggest you read the brilliant fruits of engineering of our compatriots, which can rightly be proud of!

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Great Russian inventions that changed the world

1. Electroplating

Passion Jacobi physics resulted in the creation of the world's first electric motor with direct rotation of the shaft, but one of the most important of his discoveries was the electroforming process metal deposition on the form that allows to create perfect copies of the original object. This method was created, for example, sculptures in the naves of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Electroplating can be applied even at home.

Method of electroforming and its derivatives have found numerous applications. With it did not do so far, up to the cliché of state-owned banks. Jacobi received for this discovery in Russia Demidov prize, and in Paris a gold medal. Perhaps, too, made this same method.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

2. Electric

But the main thing is. Romanov invented and created in the metal electric omnibus 17 passengers, developed a scheme of urban routes for these ancestors of modern trolleybuses and received permission to work. However, under his personal commercial risk.

To find the right amount inventor could not, much to the delight of competitors — owners of the horse-drawn trams and numerous cabs. However, working electroonic aroused great interest from other inventors in the history of technology as the invention killed a municipal bureaucracy.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

3. Pipeline transport

In 1877 Alexander Bari and his assistant Vladimir Shukhov again support the idea of pipeline transport, drawing on the American experience, and again, on the authority of Mendeleev. Eventually Shukhov in 1878, he built Russia's first oil pipeline, proving the convenience and practicality of pipeline transport. The example of Baku, which was then one of two leaders of world oil production, became contagious, and "take the pipe" became the dream of every enterprising person. On photo: view trehtomnika Cuba. Baku, 1887.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

4. Arc welding

Benardos method spread across the globe with the speed of a forest fire. Instead of messing with studs-bolts, it was simple enough to weld pieces of metal. However, it took nearly half a century that the weld finally took the dominant position among mounting techniques. It seems to be a simple method to create an electric arc between the consumable electrode in the hands of the welder and pieces of metal that need welding. But the solution is elegant. However, it did not help the inventor to age, he died in poverty in 1905 in the poorhouse.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

5. Multi-engine aircraft "Ilya Muromets"

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

6. Quadranet and a helicopter

However, it is unlikely the U.S. military would have given Igor Sikorsky experimenting with the helicopter technique, if not amazing helicopters Botezatu George, in 1922, began to test his helicopter, which he ordered the us military. The first real helicopter was off the ground and could stay in the air. The possibility of vertical flight, therefore, was proved.

Bothezat helicopter called "flying octopus" because of its interesting design. It was a Quad: four screws placed at the ends of the metal trusses, and the control system was located in the center — just like the modern radio-controlled drones.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

7. Color photo

In 1902 Prokudin-Gorsky studied color photographic business in Germany, Adolf miethe, who by that time was the world star color photo. After returning home, the Prokudin-Gorsky was to improve the chemistry of the process and in 1905 patented his sensitizer own, that is, a substance that increases the sensitivity of photographic plates. As a result, he managed to obtain the negatives of exceptional quality.

Prokudin-Gorsky organized a series of expeditions in the territory of the Russian Empire, taking pictures and famous people (for example, Leo Tolstoy), and peasants, temples, landscapes, the plants, thus creating an amazing collection of colored Russia. Demonstration of Prokudin-Gorsky has aroused great interest in the world and has pushed other specialists to develop new principles of color printing.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

8. Parachute

Problem solved in his own way. For example, the American Stefan Banic made a parachute as an umbrella with a telescopic spokes, which were fastened around the torso of the pilot. This design worked, although was still not very comfortable. But the engineer Gleb Kotelnikov decided that it's all in the material, and made a parachute out of silk, pack it in a compact backpack. Kotelnikov patented his invention in France in the eve of the First world war.

But in addition to the knapsack parachute he came up with another interesting thing. The detection of a parachute he had, opening it while driving a car that literally stood rooted to the spot. So Kotelnikov invented the drogue chute as emergency braking for aircraft.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

9. The theremin

All the rest was matter of technique. And marketing: theremin showed his musical instrument to the head of the Soviet state, Vladimir Lenin, enthusiast cultural revolution, and then demonstrated it in the States.

The life of Leon theremin was difficult, he knew the UPS, fame, and camp. Their musical instruments are still alive. The coolest version is a Moog Etherwave. The theremin can be heard in the most advanced and completely pop performers. It is really an invention at all times.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

10. Color TV

Zvorykin was lucky, he got out of Russia in 1919. Worked for many years in the early 30-ies has patented the television transmission tube — the iconoscope. Even before he designed one of the options of the host tube tube. And then, in the 1940s, he broke the light beam to blue, red and green colors and got a color TV.

In addition, Zworykin developed a night vision device, an electron microscope and lots of other interesting things. He invented all his life and even in retirement continued to surprise with their new solutions.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

11. VCR

Already there were experiments recording telesurgery, but they required a huge amount of tape. Ponyatov and colleagues proposed to record the signal across the belt, using the rotating head unit. 30 November 1956, aired the first recorded informed CBS news. And in 1960 the company in the person of its founder and Director received the "Oscar" for outstanding contribution in technical equipment industry of film and television.

Great Russian inventions that changed the world

12. Tetris

From a mathematical point of view, this puzzle was a great test for the computer. And that's researcher of the Computing center of the Academy of Sciences Alexey Pajitnov wrote a program for my computer "electronics 60". But power is not enough, and Alex removed one cube from the figures, that is done "tetrominoes". Well, then came the idea that the figures fall into the "glass". So there was Tetris.

It was the first computer game from behind the iron curtain, and for many, even the very first computer game. And although there are many new toys, Tetris is still attractive for its apparent simplicity and real complexity.

Keywords: Genius | Inventor | Invention | Progress | Scientists

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