"Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football player

"Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football player

Categories: Celebrities | Positive | Sport | World

Millions of women around the world are crazy about this sultry handsome. The Juventus star was even awarded a monument in his native Portugal. Such an event did not go unnoticed for the fans of the famous football player. Now the dream of Cristiano's devoted fans has become, so to speak, tangible. How girls use the opportunity to touch at least the bronze body of an idol — see in our material."Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football playerSource: Daily Mail

Whole groups of enthusiastic beauties surround the statue of Cristiano Ronaldo near his own hotel Pestana CR7 in the city of Funchal on the island of Madera.

"Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football playerOne of the tourists poses, holding on to the "interesting place" of the statue.

"Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football playerTourists are unable to control themselves and are necessarily photographed near the sculpture. Because of this, the bronze on the football player's shorts has been polished, and now the area between the legs of the statue shines with a dazzling brilliance.

After the installation of the 800-kilogram monument, crowds of Cristiano Ronaldo fans come to see him. But if football fans try to rub a football player's boot "for luck", the most devoted fans rise much higher. And judging by the shine of the shorts, there are a lot more of them.

"Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football playerThe three-meter monument to the famous football player was created by sculptor Ricardo Veloso from Madeira and installed in 2014

One of the first to notice a special interest in the statue was John Rodgers. A fan of Ronaldo's game, this Briton was photographed holding a bronze statue of his favorite football player by the hand. After he sent these shots to his family, joking remarks about the area between the legs of the monument, which was polished to a shine, immediately fell down.

"Golden eggs": passionate fans of Cristiano Ronaldo polished the statue of the famous football playerThe 33-year-old Juventus forward Ronaldo has scored 85 goals in 154 matches for Portugal. He is considered the best football player of the planet of all time. Cristiano received five Golden Balls and became the second superstar of football after Messi.

Polished to a shine shorts mean that in such a positive ritual "for luck" really believe. Whether the personal life of fans of football talent is getting better after this is unknown, but I would like to hope for it. Would you like to hold on to Ronaldo's golden balls?

Keywords: Monument | Ritual | Ronaldo | Fans | Football | Eggs

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