Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

Categories: Health and Medicine

Many believe that midgets and dwarfs are one and the same, considering these words are synonyms. We see on the street, in the store or on TV are very little people who think they are the victim of the same disease. But the difference between these people and it is very significant.

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

Midgets is received by inheritance from parents serious illness of one of the parts of the brain — the pituitary gland. He is responsible for many different functions in the body and in the first place — at the height of a man, as it produces this hormone.

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

In medicine, this failure of the endocrine system called pituitary dwarfism. People with this disease are very miniature — their growth is 40-90 cm and a weight of 10-15 kg. At present, in the world officially registered about 800 people with this disease, but most likely there are many more.

An important feature of lilliput is possible to consider that their body is proportional to and they just like adults, children.

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

With dwarfs, things are different. Their appearance is the result of a number of diseases, because of which the growth stops in childhood. The most common degenerative dwarfs — they are similar to the Lilliputians that their pituitary gland because of illness stopped producing the growth hormone in the required quantity.

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

Usually dwarfs the face of an adult and poorly developed, often deformed body. In mental development, they are no different from ordinary people, and often not deprived of physical strength. Dwarfism is very often accompanied by several chronic diseases such as renal failure, bowel disease, rickets.

Many of dwarfism associated with achondroplasia. People with this disease can be recognized by a very large head and a poorly developed limbs. Some of the patients with this diagnosis are unable to move independently and use wheelchairs with electric drive.

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

Now you know that young people with proportionally — developed bodies is Lilliputians, and those who have the head of an adult and disproportionate the body is dwarfs. A midget gets her disease is inherited, together with the genes, and not always his parents are midgets. Dwarfs are a result of the pituitary diseases, manifested in childhood.

Dwarfs and midgets: how different are these little people

The pituitary gland may play a person a terrible joke. The story of Austrian, Adam Rayner, who has been in his short life and the dwarf and the giant is a perfect example.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Growth | Midgets | Dwarfs | The disease | The appearance

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