Creepy photo project about the life of pigs on farms
By Pictolic photojournalist Joanne MacArthur has been showing the world for 15 years in what conditions animals are kept on farms, in laboratories and cages. She often enters farms without permission — at night and with guards. Inside, the film crew does not touch or break anything. It is important for them to tell the truth, and it is worth the risk of getting a fine for illegal invasion of someone else's territory, and in some cases even bodily injury.
Attention! The material contains violent and shocking images. Sensitive and faint-hearted people are advised to refrain from viewing. It is better to look at the photos of cute hippos.
(12 photos in total)
Source: Feature Shoot
The embryos of piglets in a basket.
When a journalist meets a piglet on a farm, she gives him a sniff of her hand and bends down to the animal's eyes so as not to scare him.
Joanne MacArthur
In MacArthur's photobook "We, the Animals" there is a picture of a pig taken in Spain in 2009. This pig has been following the photojournalist all these years. According to MacArthur, it was most likely used for breeding: at the same time, the animal is artificially inseminated two or three times a year. When a sow gives birth to piglets, she can no longer interact with them. She is kept behind bars in a box where it is impossible to turn around and even you can hardly lie down.
MacArthur never found out the name of that pig from the Spanish farm. The American woman called her photo like this: "I hope this pig is dead." The same can be said about countless animals that live in similar conditions, including piglets, because they are waiting for the same life as their mothers. In addition, pigs have breathing problems: ammonia is used on farms.
One of MacArthur's working principles is not to interfere in the life of the farm, so that it cannot save the pigs. This is the most painful part of her job emotionally.
I hope that at the sight of these photos we will be able to appeal to our humanity. Perhaps as a result, we will be able to consume less meat and animal products."
The inherent curiosity of pigs does not leave them even in such desperate circumstances, so the animals look into the eyes of people while they pass by. Despite everything, the animals are looking for hope for an unattainable salvation.
Keywords: 18+ | Piglets | Pigs | Maintenance | Farm
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