Brother and sister take pictures of each other and sell candid pictures on OnlyFans
Categories: Europe | Social Networks | World
By Pictolic are usually warm relations between brothers and sisters. But in a family from Glasgow, the connection between brother and sister is more than close. Daisy Drew and Sean Austin take candid photos of each other and then sell them on the adult website OnlyFans. This is how young people help their parents pay off their mortgage and raise money for a luxury vacation.
29-year-old Sean was the first to create an account on OnlyFans in December 2019, and then invited his 24-year-old sister Daisy to follow his example. Soon, the adult website became their main source of income.
In May 2021, young people told their parents about their part-time job, and they approved their choice. In two years, the brother and sister earned a total of 2 million pounds (about 195 million rubles) and moved into a luxury London apartment.
Despite the fact that they never shoot explicit scenes together, Sean and Daisy help each other to make juicy shots. The brother and sister claim that they do not hesitate to pose in underwear and topless in front of each other. They honestly point out the shortcomings and give good advice.
Some fans of Daisy and Sean on OnlyFans guessed that they are brother and sister. Daisy even recommends visiting her brother's page to men who have problems with sexuality. Sean is gay, and now he proudly admits it and helps others to accept themselves.
Brother and sister are glad that they have found an occupation that unites them and brings excellent profit. They are financially helping their parents and will soon go on vacation to Los Angeles. Daisy and Sean are not going to give up their way of earning money and are confident that they will become even richer over time.
Meanwhile, spouses from the UK get a lot of money for sex in front of the camera, and their children know about it. The couple became real Pornhub and OnlyFans stars.
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