Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

Categories: Asia | Fashion | Social Networks

The joint advertising photo shoot of "Buro 24/7 Kazakhstan" and the H&M brand outraged netizens. In the pictures posted on the brand's Instagram account, girls dressed in H&M Studio clothes depict victims of violence very realistically.

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

One of the models is lying on the floor with her hands tied, and the other is handcuffed to a radiator in the bathroom, near a pool of blood. Several pictures show murder victims and police experts working near them. It is not known what reaction the marketers expected, but the advertisement caused a negative reaction on the network and a lot of angry comments.

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

The account administrators posted an explanation to the cruel pictures, which tells about the main idea of the creators of the advertising campaign:

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

This story absolutely did not impress the users of the social network, who bombarded the publication with indignant comments. "What the h... but? Propaganda of violence against women? How "cool!" is just one of the statements of the subscribers of the account, and far from the sharpest.

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

The idea of the photo session and its implementation belong to Marina Kaprikova, art director and photographer of the Kazakh version of the Buro 24/7 portal. The works of the photographer are well known to everyone who follows fashion trends in Kazakhstan and have never caused outrage among the audience before.

Advertising of clothing of a well-known brand with elements of violence outraged netizens

The Buro 24/7 advertising campaign may be brutal, but it's certainly not the strangest. Ridiculous advertising, it turns out, is not at all uncommon in our time.

Keywords: Brand | Fashion | Violence | Advertising campaign | Advertising photo | Photo shoot

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