a swan song

a swan song

Categories: Animals | Ecology

Kapotnya is considered by many to be the most problematic district of Moscow, primarily due to the oil refinery located there. Mostly those who have never been there think so. But it turns out that Kapotnya is one of the greenest districts of the capital, and even ... swans feel comfortable on the territory of the Moscow Oil Refinery!

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a swan song

a swan song

Love and doves, oil and swans... No, these are not jokes and not rhymes for the sake of it: oil refining is considered dangerous today primarily because of outdated stereotypes. A modern enterprise keeps the environment not just suitable, but clean and comfortable for various animals and birds to live in.

a swan song

On May 14, employees of the Moscow Oil Refinery released sponsored feathered swans into the pond on the territory of the enterprise - three adult swans and a couple of chicks.

a swan song

It is known that these proud and beautiful birds are very demanding on the purity of water and air, they avoid unfavorable living conditions.

a swan song

They consider the pond of the Moscow Oil Refinery to be their home for ten years already and leave it only for wintering - from autumn to spring they live under a roof in a warm aviary on the territory of the plant.

a swan song

An artificial island is poured in the center of the reservoir, on which a house has been erected specially for the white-winged beauties.

a swan song

A fountain of medium height beats nearby. Birds are supervised by ornithologists of the Moscow Zoo.

a swan song

Among the inhabitants of the pond there are also water turtles, crucian carp and other fish.

a swan song

It should be noted that Kapotnya is rapidly losing its former image of not the most environmentally friendly area of the capital. The plant has installed a unique automatic air control system for oil refining, the data of which is transmitted to the Moscow government and then available to everyone online. Thanks to the swans, the factory pond has become a local landmark; people come here with pleasure to walk and relax with children. And, let's add, breathe fresh air!

Keywords: Swans

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