7 habits of people with low self-esteem
Categories: Habit | Lifestyle | People | Psychology | Relationship | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/7-habits-of-people-with-low-self-esteem.htmlSelf-esteem is extremely important. It affects your self-esteem, mental well-being, relationships, and how you express yourself and navigate life. Therefore, it is easy to understand why low self-esteem is hindering you so much in life. Bouts of self-doubt are normal, but having low self-esteem is difficult emotionally. People with low self-esteem feel unworthy or not good enough, they are afraid to express themselves, so they settle for a life that they do not want to live and that makes them unhappy.
Here are 7 habits that people with low self-esteem exhibit.
1. Finding faults in yourself and others
If you have low self-esteem, then you have an insatiable inner critic who criticizes you ruthlessly. Your mind is filled with shoulds and shouldn't, and you don't easily forgive yourself for mistakes that people naturally make. You are constantly judging yourself.
But remember that the words you use when talking about yourself matter because you either strengthen yourself or destroy yourself, and constant criticism destroys your self-esteem.
2. Comparisons with other people
The comparison game is one that all people play from time to time. The problem starts when it becomes a frequent habit, as it affects your mental health.
It's so easy to fall into the comparison trap these days, both online and offline.
3. Constantly questioning the intentions of others
Do you squint your eyes at a kind gesture from a person in your direction? You silently wonder if he is really interested in you or if he is doing it out of pity.
Your low self-esteem plays a trick on you because you do not believe that you are worthy of someone's attention and time, you are looking for hidden motives in his behavior. You do not believe in compliments and kind words. You see yourself through such a distorted lens, and you don't feel worthy to be treated well, with basic human decency.
4. Don't Trust Your Own Judgment
Do you often find yourself doubting your decisions? And it's not just on a case-by-case basis. You doubt every time you make a choice. When you don't believe in yourself, you don't trust yourself. You often doubt your own decisions, constantly asking for the opinions of others. You feel like you're always making mistakes and fear rules your life.
5. Self-deprecating jokes
Do you use humor to take your mind off your problems? Such jokes are not at all harmless. When you make self-deprecating jokes, you are essentially making fun of yourself, and that is harmful. Your subconscious mind, which houses your self-esteem, is like a small child: it is always listening and absorbing what you say. It doesn't know you are joking. And if someone were to make those jokes about you, you probably wouldn't like the feeling.
6. Waiting for compliments
Do you sometimes say cruel or mean things about yourself and hope that someone will object to you and say something nice about you to make you feel better? This habit is closely linked to low self-esteem.
Subconsciously, you long for someone to compliment you.
7. You don't take care of yourself.
When you don't believe you have any value, you stop taking care of yourself the way you should. You may not wash your hair or brush your teeth because you feel there is no reason to take care of yourself because you are not important. Low self-esteem can cause you to neglect yourself.
You can overthink, overwork, and overexert yourself without even asking for help. You have a hard time accepting love and care because you feel like you don't deserve it.
People who suffer from low self-esteem tend to be more passive and passive-aggressive than assertive and confident, making it difficult for them to stand up for themselves.
The good news is that you can change everything at any time by starting to increase your own self-esteem and self-confidence. By developing self-esteem, you will finally see yourself as the unique amazing person that you are. You deserve high self-esteem and a strong belief in yourself. So do it day by day and don't give up on yourself.
Keywords: Habits | People | Lifestyle | Emotions | Life | Psychology | Relationships | Mental awareness
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