7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

Categories: Celebrities | Lifestyle | People | Photo project | Society | World

Celebrities never cease to amaze us with facts about their luxurious lives. Some of them acquire mini-mansions for their pets. Others buy entire cities. Yes, they can be eccentric for their own comfort. But they can be really cool and romantic when it comes to expressing their love and affection for those they truly love.

We have found some unusual stars who have found a unique way to win the hearts of their loved ones.


7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

1. In 2010, Katy Perry surprised her then-husband Russell Brand with a unique gift. His beloved wife bought him a ticket to space for his 35th birthday. It cost her $200,000.

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

2. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon set up a real Candyland for their children right at home. They filled the huge room with all kinds of sweets that a child could desire. And only they had a room dedicated exclusively to candy. They also set up a huge ball pit in their living room and filled it with a bunch of red balls.

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

3. Famous rapper and actor Ludacris admitted in 2016 that he rented an entire theater to watch a movie with his family. As he said on his Instagram, "Sometimes you have to rent the entire theater so your family and kids can scream and rip the movie in peace." Well, some people can actually afford all the amenities they need to watch the latest trendy movie.

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

4. Tom Cruise is also willing to spend an extra $200,000 just to be closer to his loved ones. When his then-future wife Katie Holmes was pregnant, he bought an ultrasound machine to monitor his baby every day in the womb.

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

5. Princess Diana had and still has a great influence on society. But who influenced our favorite influencer? In 2001, Andrew Morton, author of Diana: Her True Story, told the LA Times, "It's funny because I asked Princess Diana who she admires. She said, "Mother Teresa, Margaret Thatcher, and Madonna." Strong women. Madonna also greatly admired Diana and wanted to be a princess.

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

6. Rocket Man once admitted to getting a really unique and confusing bill. In just 20 months, he is said to have spent £293,000 (or $395,400) on florists alone. And it was all for his then-partner John Reid. “I like flowers,” Elton John said, “I love spending money. It's my money that I can spend."

7 Fantastic Things Stars Have Done For People They Admire

7. Billy Bob Thornton said that his then-wife Angelina Jolie once had the idea that they should wear each other's blood in a vial around their necks. For her, it was like putting on her son's or daughter's baby hair or something like that. "She thought it would be interesting and romantic," Thornton said.

Keywords: Celebrities | Stars | People | Luxurious lives | Lifestyle | Society | Famous people

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