6 world-famous actors who starred drunk
Categories: Celebrities | Cinema
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/6-world-famous-actors-who-starred-drunk.htmlActors often have to portray drunk and even very drunk people. But there are among the representatives of this profession and lovers to take on the chest before shooting and even during it. Some even prefer real alcohol in glasses, rather than imitation booze. Here are 6 stars of world cinema who are not averse to rolling right during filming and have to be reckoned with this whim of theirs.
The performer of the role of Harry Potter, Daniel Redcliffe, once told reporters that he uses alcohol as medicine. The actor has been suffering from increased intracranial pressure and associated headaches since childhood. Medicine did not help the star much, so Redcliffe took up self-medication.
Alcohol coped best with the painful condition and Daniel quickly became addicted to it. He admitted that in 2009 he often appeared on film sets drunk and regularly added during filming. Later, the actor realized that alcohol only gives the illusion of relief and aggravates the ailment. He did not easily get rid of alcohol addiction and still found an effective way of therapy.
Actress Jennifer Lawrence said that alcohol helps her fight boredom. During the filming of the fantastic trilogy "The Hunger Games" she was terribly bored and had to turn to the "green snake". Lawrence doesn't like strong drinks, but cocktails are hers.
Almost always in the trailer of the actress you can find an impressive supply of pina Colada and other tasty, but not healthy liquids. This actress is generally famous for her drunken antics, including at Oscar ceremonies.
The cult movie "Fight Club" is surrounded by many legends. Some fans are even sure that the actors beat each other with their fists for real on the set. Whether this is true or not is unknown — the actors still keep the intrigue. But the fact that Norton and Pitt were filmed drunk in the golf game scene is absolutely certain. They got drunk "to fit the script," Pitt told the press.
Sometimes actors make serious sacrifices to get used to a role. They shave their heads, get fat, lose weight, and even stop washing. But Shia Labeouf, starring in the movie "The drunkest district in the world", constantly drank on the set to stay in the right image. At the same time, the actor did not recognize half measures and did not use some kind of gin and tonic, but as his hero, a real moonshine.
Then Labeouf was often reproached for this, but he skillfully justified himself. According to him, alcohol was necessary not only to create mood and atmosphere. Strong alcohol became the perfect make-up and helped to get the real swollen face of a drunkard with experience. Make-up artists during the filming of "The drunkest district in the world" almost did not touch the actor's face.
Starring in the comedy "Drinking Buddy", actress Anna Kendrick masterfully coped with the image of intoxication. Critics praised her performance, but later it turned out that it wasn't just about talent. Anna's high-quality portrayal of a drunk woman was helped by real booze, which Kendrick used without hesitation right in front of the camera.
Interestingly, the rehearsals were held with non-alcoholic beer. But the command "Camera, motor" barely sounded, the actors took on real alcohol. Anna once admitted that there was so much alcohol that she sometimes did not distinguish the real from the imitation.
Actress Margot Robbie is a true professional who does her job perfectly. But at the dawn of her brilliant career, the Australian was not too confident in herself and was very nervous. In the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" she had to play with Leonardo DaCaprio - a star of the first magnitude. Margot was very worried and, to give herself confidence, slowly took a sip of the bottle.
Robbie once said that before shooting a sex scene with Leonardo, she drank 3 shots of tequila one after the other, and then went to the set. It is noteworthy that it was about 9 am. The actress swears that she no longer allowed herself such doses of alcohol before work, but she has to take her word for it.
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