50 ways to fill with female energy
Categories: Beauty | Habit | Healthy lifestyle | Lifestyle | People | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/50-ways-to-fill-with-female-energy.htmlWhat is female energy?
Female energy is the energy of flow, lightness, and the ability to feel and express these feelings.
In astrology, the planet Venus is responsible for feminine energy. This planet governs elevated emotions, its most precious gift is happiness. And a woman fills with her natural energy just when she rejoices; lives not out of tension, but out of pleasure; does more of what he wants, and not what he needs.
1. What gives female energy?
Outwardly, a woman becomes more attractive and sexier;
- The ability to express your feelings and not keep everything to yourself. Life without stress;
- The ability to enjoy, fill and inspire your man with a resource;
- Love relationships become stronger and more harmonious. A man himself wants to give gifts and attention;
- If there is no relationship, then the right men are attracted, to attention from other men;
- The ability to attract money for pleasure, for yourself. Money does not come from tension, but from a relaxed state.
2. How to be filled with feminine energy
3. It is important for every woman to maintain the state of female light energy, which was inherent in her nature from the very beginning. And in my article, I want to share ways to fill the female energy and to always be happy, inspired, and gentle.
4. I beg you not just to read the article and postpone actions until later. And really start to implement, at least some of the proposed methods. You will feel how your state will begin to change and how new people, events, and opportunities will begin to appear in your life.
- Hair care (our vital energy is in the hair and any care will increase it)
- Makeup (turn your makeup into a special ritual of transforming yourself)
- Face yoga and yoga for the body (a great way to relax and concentrate on the process)
- Massage (helps to remove the clamps in the body, disperse energy, and feel the reactions of your body)
- Manicure (even if you do not do gel polish, well-groomed hands form an impression of you)
- Pedicure (helps to relax the legs, especially when you walk in shoes for a long time)
- Bath with oils, salt, and foam (water takes away negative emotions, and relaxes)
- Dancing (blocks live in the body, help yourself to live emotions through movements)
- Singing (working with the voice helps to experience emotions, especially those that are not pronounced)
- Fragrances (delicious perfumes, shower gels, creams, lotions - you should get high on them)
- Walks (especially in parks to rejuvenate through connection with nature)
- Fitness (it is important to keep the female body in good shape)
- Gratitude diary (write gratitude to yourself, other people, events, and the world)
- Compliments to other girls (notice the good in others)
- Order in the house (invisible dust, scattered things, visual noise - they take away your energy)
- Beautiful outfits (it's especially important to look beautiful at home, even if you don't have to go anywhere)
- Planning (keep a diary or a note where you will write things - do not keep them in your head)
- Rest (such that on this day you do nothing at all, lie in bed and watch movies)
- Visualization (spend 10 minutes on this in the morning; imagine your ideal life)
- Beautiful underwear (it is important to feel sexy and confident, emphasizing the figure)
- Correct posture (posture speaks of many habits and creates a certain image)
- The atmosphere at home (light candles, turn on pleasant music, create comfort for yourself)
- Communication with other women (your energy increases in a female environment)
- Proper nutrition (food has its own mood and character, what makes it up for you?)
- Accept and ask for help (getting out of the position "I AM" - this destroys your nature)
- Go to a psychologist/coach (it is important not to accumulate words and thoughts in yourself - here you can throw them out)
- Mentoring another woman (important to be in a supportive environment)
- Music (for a good mood and turning off your thoughts)
- Art (art parties, exhibitions, museums - all this helps to open the creative channel)
- Desire map (helps to clearly convey your desires to the subtle plane)
- Shopping (develops a sense of style, aesthetics, and observation)
- Photo session (the opportunity to be yourself, dress up, and create a beautiful image)
- Cooking (putting love into food, you pass it on and share it with others)
- Plant care (plants tell you how you are doing with energy - watch their condition)
- Communication with children (children fill with vital energy and strength)
- Invite guests (this helps to show concern for others and increase the energy of love)
- Communication with animals (filling with the energy of unconditional love)
- Going to visit (helps to receive care and love from others, and also give your attention)
- Meditations (help to let go of all thoughts, calm the mind, and relax)
- Wear skirts and dresses (even if you don’t wear them, sometimes help your nature to manifest)
- Studying fashion (helps to reveal oneself through appearance)
- Travel (changing environments and exploring other cultures broadens one's horizons)
- Walk by the water (water has a strong energy of flexibility, strength, and soothing)
- Films about women (you can feel your strength through the example of another woman, her way)
- Diary of emotions (helps track your feelings, live them, understand the reason)
- Diary of achievements (helps not to devalue your path and actions)
- Reading (the ability to immerse yourself in another world, empathize, and expand yourself)
- Time alone with yourself (helps to put thoughts in order, hear yourself, look inside yourself)
- Communication with a man (helps maintain a balance of feminine and masculine energy)
- Beauty procedures (taking care of yourself, increases self-confidence).
5. I will be very happy if you read this article to the end and implement, if not all, but at least a few tips into your life.
Keywords: Female | Female energy | Women | Ability | Feelings | Emotions | Life | Activities | Lightness
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