5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Categories: Positive | World

Many of us blame the fate that could not be realized in life and become victims of adverse circumstances. The people whom we want to tell you, have a very serious problem, but successful and famous, thanks to their hard work and perseverance. Next time you want to feel sorry for yourself and find an excuse for failure, just remember about these characters stand up and change your life in spite of everything.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Life model Paola Antonini changed on Christmas eve when she was hit by a car. Doctors have long fought for the girl's life and they managed to snatch her from the jaws of death. But unfortunately, they failed to save the leg of Paola, which had to be amputated above the knee.

It is known that for the model's appearance is a key element in its work. The girl was very difficult to make yourself new with disabilities, but she overcame both physical and emotional pain and returned to the industry. Instead of a left foot Antonini bionic prosthesis and it does not bother neither the model nor her employers.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Moreover, she is fond of dancing, sports and travel. She leads the social media accounts that tell the story how to be strong and go ahead to success no matter what. The model is engaged in charity work, raising money for those who need rehabilitation after injuries.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

In 34 years, Michelle Moffat noticed with horror that started to lose her hair. Very soon, the woman was deprived not only of vegetation on the head, but the eyebrows and even eyelashes. The doctors could not determine what the cause of baldness Michelle, but after several surveys put a disappointing diagnosis — the culprit was a rare disease before which the medicine is powerless.

Moffat worked as a nurse in the clinic of the Scottish town of Dumbarton, and was constantly on the mind. First, the woman was very ashamed of his appearance and wore hats, scarves and wigs. But then girlfriend recorded her in a beauty contest Mrs Bombshell and helped prepare for the event.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

The jury and the audience was amazed by the unusual beauty Michelle and she received second place and plus more and the audience award. After that Moffat is no longer shy about their appearance and submits it as his own special flair. She is on instagram, where he talked about himself and his family, consisting of husband and four children.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

The Philadelphia resident Jessica Ruiz was born with a severe disease called arthrogryposis. This disease leads to abnormal development of the muscles and joints, which eventually becomes the cause of the loss of their mobility. The birth mother Jessica said she will lag behind in mental development, not be able to talk and walk.

Despite the forecast of physicians, Ruiz learned to move independently, speaks well, and her intellect is developed perfectly. The girl was able to master the difficult profession of a makeup artist, and in her 26 years, well earned by their labor.

Hands almost do not listen to Jessica, so she keeps the brushes and other essential it tools your mouth. This does not affect the quality of its work, it is so expertly apply makeup like Ruiz will not everyone owns the hands of a master.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

My profession, the girl picked in high school and worked it mastered despite bullying peers. Her finest hour on high school prom Ruiz so spectacularly painted classmates that deserve everyone's respect.

After school girl long denied courses makeup artists, Recalling that on hygiene requirements, then the negative perception of customers. Jessica has repeatedly fallen into despair, but he fought it off again and kept moving forward. Today among customers Ruiz is a professional model, socialite, and even movie stars.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Australian model Madeline Stuart is very different from his colleagues in the fashion industry. 23-year-old girl born with down syndrome, and childhood dreams about the runway and glory. At age 18 she was invited to advertise sports brand Manifesta and bags everMaya and the girl coped with her task.

After his debut under her photo on instagram there are many angry reviews, foretelling the end of a modeling career after the first contract. But this did not happen — it's been five years, and the popularity of charismatic Stewart is only growing.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Feature Madeline does not affect her life — girl goes in for sports, travelling, making new acquaintances, and a lot of hard work. To be on top she has to exert more effort than other models. Stewart believes that her example could make people change their attitude towards those born with down syndrome.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Popular blogger Tommy Edison has never seen the world, as he was born blind. But it was not a problem for men, when it decided to start blogging on instagram. Tommy does not use any sophisticated fixtures and innovation and his only tool is your iPhone, a chief assistant built into the gadget assistant Siri.

The program helps Edison to read the messages on the screen and enter text with the pictures. In addition to photography, blogger enjoys critics — he listens to the sound track of the film and then shares with his subscribers impressions. The view of the blind blogger appreciated the lack of vision as sharpened his hearing and he can easily locate the hypocrisy and flaws of other actors.

5 people who have achieved success in spite of the disability

Mexican activist Mariangel Garcia-Ramos launched the social media hashtag #ThisIsMyDisabledStyle, who put in his photos people with disabilities wishing to show that they are not defective and can be beautiful and successful.

Keywords: The blogger | Makeup artist | Disability | Motivation | Down syndrome | Success

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