29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

Categories: Positive

Sometimes art can go too far and turn into such an absurdity that for all its absurdity it is very difficult to discern something highly artistic. Each of these statues resembles the figment of the imagination of a mentally ill person, but nevertheless they adorn the streets and squares of the cities of the world. We do not know for what and who needed it, but with these statues, life on earth becomes a little more fun.

(Total 29 photos)

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

1. Puke Men of Stone - London.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

2. Doctor collecting baby feces - Philippines.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

3. Gift from Santa - Spain.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

4. A naked woman in heels on a giant rooster, with a fork in her hands - Cuba.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

5. Duck centipede - Belgium.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

6. A look into the future - Prague.

In fact, this is a monument to "Toady".

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

7. Children, go to *opu - Norway.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

8. Eating babies - Switzerland.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

9. Santa and a huge anal plug - the Netherlands.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

10. Half girl, half fish, but with breasts - Washington.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

11. Pissing alien - Helsinki.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

12. Competition for the "watering" of the Czech Republic - Prague.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

13. Pissing rainbow children - Kyiv.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

14. Depraved deer - China.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

15. Right from under the cow - Iceland.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

16. Golden Kate Moss practices yoga - somewhere in Asia.

An unknown admirer bought the statue for almost a million dollars.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

17. Too "excited" Spider-Man - South Korea.

The statue has been taken down.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

18. Riding a turtle - Massachusetts.

At least the turtle looks happy.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

19. Tuna Tango - Chicago.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

20. Levitating sleeping baby - Singapore.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

21. A pregnant woman half without skin, with a sword in her hands - Great Britain.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

22. Super lactating women - Germany.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

23. Finger in *ope - South Korea.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

24. Superman miscalculated - Germany.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

25. Spider Camel - Abu Dhabi.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

26. Slaughtered alligator - New York.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

27. I asked without onions - Italy.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

28. Much safer with an umbrella - California.

29 most disgusting and ridiculous statues from around the world

29. Eight legs are better than two - Singapore.

Keywords: Absurdity | Monuments | Funny | Statue

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