20 simple kitchen tricks

20 simple kitchen tricks

Categories: Food and Drinks | Life hacks

Surely you have been amazed more than once by the household wisdom and skill of your mothers and grandmothers about everything that is within the kitchen. It was they who told us that a raw egg can be distinguished from a boiled one by simply twirling them on the table, or that coffee from a turkey will not escape if you put it in a bucket with water. All these tricky food and drink handling skills come with experience, and today we want to give you a little theory that is definitely worth putting into practice.

How to keep bubbles in champagne and protect cheese from drying out? How to make yesterday's cupcake crumbly again and not let the bananas darken? These and other subtleties of storing and cooking products that will save your time and money are in our selection of 20 kitchen tricks.

20 simple kitchen tricks

20 simple kitchen tricks

1. Find out the freshness of eggs

20 simple kitchen tricks

2. Prolong the freshness of vegetables

20 simple kitchen tricks

3. Save the bubbles in the champagne

20 simple kitchen tricks

4. Don't transfer lemons

20 simple kitchen tricks

5. Keep herbs fresh

20 simple kitchen tricks

6. Eliminate insects

20 simple kitchen tricks

7. Rid the mushrooms of mucus

20 simple kitchen tricks

8. Make stale muffins fresher

20 simple kitchen tricks

9. Prevent the cheese from drying out

20 simple kitchen tricks

10. Keep vegetables crispy

20 simple kitchen tricks

11. Don't let the liver harden

20 simple kitchen tricks

12. Don't let the bananas darken

20 simple kitchen tricks

13. Keep the salt crumbly

20 simple kitchen tricks

14. Maintain the aroma of the oil

20 simple kitchen tricks

15. Protect dairy products from the appearance of bacteria

20 simple kitchen tricks

16. Clean the honey

20 simple kitchen tricks

17. Keep the moisture in the pasta

20 simple kitchen tricks

18. Save your cheese

20 simple kitchen tricks

19. Use yogurt instead of cream

20 simple kitchen tricks

20. Fix over-salted soup

Keywords: Cuisine | Products | Tips | Tricks

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