20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture | Travel

Exploring and photographing abandoned buildings is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. On the web you can find a lot of pictures of abandoned European villas, Russian huts, American mining towns. But Japan is a completely different world, and the abandoned places there are not at all like those that can be found in other parts of the planet.

Photographer and traveler Roman Veillon (Romain Veillon) drove through the Land of the Rising Sun, photographing Japanese abandoned objects. These places, in which time seems to sleep, amaze with their beauty and tranquility

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

A long-abandoned hotel has been captured by the forces of nature

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Abandoned hotel for intimate meetings

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Abandoned mineral bath - onsen - in a closed hotel

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

The abandoned house of a kannushi priest, the owner of a Shinto temple

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Abandoned amusement park

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

You won't believe it, but this laboratory, where scientists studied snakes, was also abandoned

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Abandoned vintage hotel in the style of the 1960s

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Closed school

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Closed strip club

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Former Doctor's house

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Abandoned amusement park

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Thousands of funerary tablets are stored in an abandoned sanctuary in the mountains

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Abandoned amusement park "Western Village" with a miniature replica of Mount Rushmore

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

The amusement park, built in the style of cowboys and Indians, has long been overgrown with grass

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Shooting gallery in an abandoned amusement park in the style of "western"

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

A room in an abandoned hotel

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

The lobby of an abandoned hotel

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

A closed and forgotten slot machine hall

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

Ruins of an ochre factory

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

All that remains of the old medical office

20 photos of incredibly beautiful abandoned places in Japan

The warehouse of the abandoned hotel is gradually overgrown with grass

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