10 tips to get a flat stomach fast
Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | People | Society | Sport | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/10-tips-to-get-a-flat-stomach-fast.htmlWho wouldn't want to have a firm, flat stomach with sculpted abs? Each of us has a rectus abdominis muscle (m. Rectus abdominis), but not everyone has it visible due to the layer of fat covering it. See what you need to do to make your stomach become embossed and flat.
1. The most popular and effective exercise for flattening your belly is crunches. Many believe that it must be done almost indefinitely. Actually, it is not. To strengthen the abdominal muscles, only 10-12 daily repetitions are enough. But if you want to achieve results in a short amount of time, you will need an ab roller. This is such a small-sized simulator, which among trainers is considered the most effective for comprehensive and uniform training of the entire abdominal muscle group.(Photo: Ocean/Corbis).
2. If you want to see the abdominal muscles hidden under the layer of fat, then you have to get rid of it. To do this, you need to perform exercises that burn calories, as well as take care of proper nutrition. (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis).
3. To build muscle mass (abs) you need protein. Make sure you have enough protein-rich foods (fish, meat, poultry, eggs) in your daily diet. (Photo: Imagemore/Corbis).
4. Vitamin C enhances fat burning during exercise. Eat more fruits, including kiwis, which are a great source of this vitamin. (Photo: WestEnd61/REX).
5. Eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of fast foods and highly processed foods, as they contain substances that cause obesity in the abdomen and also worsen the condition of the body. Make fruits and vegetables the core of your diet. Try to cook your own food at home and eat at fast food establishments, restaurants, and cafes as little as possible. (Photo: Doris.H/Westend61/Corbis).
6. Do the following exercise. Lie down on the floor, making sure it is not too soft. Bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Raise your upper body with your abdominal muscles while exhaling. Freeze for a moment and then slowly lower yourself while inhaling. (Photo: Martin Lee/Rex Features).
7. Get into a push-up position. Lean on your elbows and straighten your torso. Try to keep your body in this position for as long as possible. (Photo: PRNewsFoto/Doug Wojcik).
8. Raise one knee up until it touches your chest while holding on to something with your hands to maintain balance. (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis).
9. Leaning on one arm, try to keep the body straight without lowering the hips (as in the photo). (Photo: Ocean/Corbis).
10. Diet is one of the keys to effective muscle building. Editor-in-chief of Men's Fitness magazine, Ben Ince, shared his diet on the workout day: For breakfast, he eats grilled beef steak (about 250 grams) and 50 grams of nuts. For the second breakfast: boiled chicken breast (200 grams). Lunch consists of broccoli and 200 grams of stewed beef, and dinner of baked cod fillet with asparagus. (Photo: Matthew Mead/AP Photo).
Keywords: Flat stomach | Sport | Healthy lifestyle | Fit body | Healthy body | Exercises | Abdominis | Sculpted abs
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