10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Categories: Culture | Design and Architecture

Curly paper carving is a traditional Chinese art, the first mention of which dates back to the VI century AD. But even now this kind of art is popular all over the world. We have collected the works of the best masters of paper carving. These people are real magicians who can turn an ordinary piece of paper into a work of art. They can cut ornate lines for hours, watching incredible beauty appear from an ordinary sheet of paper.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Japanese artist Kiri Ken, whose pseudonym translates as "Cutting Sword", creates incredibly elegant works of art from paper.

Some of his works are carved so finely and painstakingly that they seem to be floating living creatures. A talented Japanese prefers to cut out marine inhabitants from paper or expressive portraits. Undoubtedly, his works are inspired by miniatures drawn in ink, and graphic technique is guessed in thin lines. To create his exquisite works, the Japanese uses a special X-ACTO knife and a special Ehime Paper.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Known for his filigree works in the form of paper microorganisms, Irish artist Rogan Brown uses the "prism of imagination" to create striking works of art. Rogan Brown's creations are distinguished by the fact that they are not just fancy patterns, but a kind of interpretation of the surrounding world. The author creates his complex "lace", for the most part, with his hands, cutting out turn after turn. And only occasionally uses laser paper cutting. The artist draws inspiration from everything: from the outlines of cells under a microscope to large-scale geological structures.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Talented English artist Susie Taylor from Hertfordshire creates stunning detailed works of art from paper, drawing inspiration from her love of folk art and floral motifs. Moreover, the girl cuts exclusively by hand. Suzy is so fascinated by her work that she can spend hours concentrating on cutting ornate lines, watching incredible beauty appear from an ordinary sheet of paper.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Filipino master Patrick Cabral creates minimalist 3D portraits of rare animals. At the same time, paper sculptures are just his hobby, Patrick works as a programmer and web animator. And in his spare time he creates three-dimensional paper portraits of animals decorated with exquisite lace abstract patterns. According to Patrick himself, in this way he wants to draw people's attention to how fragile this world is.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Pippa Dirlaga, an artist from Yorkshire, transforms a piece of paper into a work of art with jeweler's precision. Her creations are inspired by nature, animals, architecture, pop culture and the area where the artist lives. According to Dirlagi, she works in a traditional technique, using a scalpel and a pencil. One stencil usually takes one sheet of paper.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Japanese artist Hina Aoyama was born in Yokohama, but now lives in France. She became interested in "Ultra-thin lace paper clippings" back in 2000. Hina uses scissors exclusively for her work, cutting delicate lace flowers, texts and butterflies with jewelry precision and impeccable accuracy. Because of their fragility, the carvings are applied to the fabric or placed between the glasses to preserve the patterns. It takes Hina Aoyama from a couple of days to long weeks of painstaking work to create her wonderful creations, depending on the complexity of the sketch conceived.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Parth Kotekar (Parth Kothekar)

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

An Indian artist from Ahmedabad, Part Kotekar creates paper miracles. The idea to start cutting out paper came to him during experiments with stencils for graffiti, and what started as a hobby turned into a profession. The artist's works reflect aspects of everyday life. The most exciting thing about this work, as Part says, is that he does not know until the last moment what his next masterpiece will look like. And this curiosity is one of the main reasons why he continues to create.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Korean artist Yo Hoon cuts out portraits of famous personalities from sheets of paper: Pablo Picasso, Audrey Hepburn, Michael Jackson and others. Yo Hung cuts out all the works by hand, using only a special paper cutter. The peculiarity of his work lies in the fact that he carves portraits with a "herringbone", from which even ripples in the eyes. None of these portraits would be visible on white, so each of them is presented on a dark background.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Artist from In Japan, acting under the pseudonym Riu has mastered the art of paper cutting to perfection. The Japanese creates his works with the help of a stationery knife. At the same time, he works in the zentangle technique, that is, he does not have any preliminary sketch of the work, but "draws with a knife" on paper just as the flight of imagination prompts him. The master calls the secret of his success a special sense of rhythm, which helps to create new masterpieces.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

Artist Bowie Lee was born in Hong Kong, and now lives and works in Pittsburgh, USA. She creates amazingly detailed illustrations from Chinese rice paper and silk, almost weightless works full of fantastic plots. When creating her works, the artist first translates the hand-made images into electronic form, then prints them out and only then proceeds to long and painstaking work with a knife and sharp blades.

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

10 geniuses who cut amazing masterpieces out of paper

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