
Drugged: 10 luxury items that are owned by Rock Johnson


Drugged: 10 luxury items that are owned by Rock Johnson

Rock "rose" from a simple guy to a champion in wrestling and the most recognizable actor of Hollywood. He began his career as a ...

10 nuances of the series "Friends", that you 100% didn't notice


10 nuances of the series "Friends", that you 100% didn't notice

15 years have passed since the release of the latest series of the sitcom "Friends". But his popularity as if unabated. Continue on ...

A path of UPS and downs: 5 highest and 5 the most disastrous films with Keanu Reeves


A path of UPS and downs: 5 highest and 5 the most disastrous ...

Keanu Reeves remains a favorite of audiences for decades. "The matrix", "John Wick", "bill and Ted": each of these films has become ...

Actors who earn millions for roles in "the Walking dead"


Actors who earn millions for roles in "the Walking dead"

The cult post-apocalyptic series "the Walking dead" with a sinking heart I watched multi-million audience worldwide. Meanwhile, the ...

What happened to Mary — a girl, a mutant with triple chest of the cult Thriller "total Recall"


What happened to Mary — a girl, a mutant with triple chest ...

Since the release of the sci-Fi Thriller "total Recall" with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring the last 30 years. Generation ...

On the set: how to create the most incredible special effects in the movie


On the set: how to create the most incredible special effects ...

In modern cinema without special effects anywhere. We bring you fantastic examples of overlay effects of the latest popular films: ...

Who are all these people: how superheroes looked in the past


Who are all these people: how superheroes looked in the past

For several decades it would be nice to have so much in our lives had changed. Fashion, styles, technology, life and many more ...

15 facts about the cult film "die hard"


15 facts about the cult film "die hard"

July 15, 1988, was released film directed by John McTiernan "die hard" (English name — Die Hard). This picture, taken by the book ...

8 main roles Harrison Ford — from best to worst


8 main roles Harrison Ford — from best to worst

The man who became the star of three great franchises, 13 Jul celebrated his birthday. Everyone knows about his joint work with ...

Under the images of these disney princesses in hiding... a guy who knows how to put on makeup


Under the images of these disney princesses in hiding... a ...

There are Disney fans, there are fans, and then there's Richard Schaefer, 21-year-old makeup artist and freelance writer who turns ...

10 interesting facts about Hollywood


10 interesting facts about Hollywood

96 years ago, July 13, 1923 on the slope of mount Lee over the Californian hills appeared the inscription Hollywood. It was ...

Describe the maximum boring movie in social networks has launched a new flashmob


Describe the maximum boring movie in social networks has ...

Movie description the Internet has long been possible to allocate a separate literary genre. It is difficult even to imagine how ...

Permission for an affair extraordinary marriage of will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith


Permission for an affair extraordinary marriage of will Smith ...

Their pair discussed for many years. Say that will Smith and jada Pinkett Smith are living in an open relationship and allow each ...

24 stamp of the romantic comedies that annoying


24 stamp of the romantic comedies that annoying

The community edition of BuzzFeed remember things that they are most annoying in the plots of melodramas and romantic comedies. Why ...

Now we know how would look like the Terminator if he played Samoyed


Now we know how would look like the Terminator if he played ...

A couple of Samoyeds from Australia tried himself in the role of movie stars. The Aussie has replaced actors for the images of the ...

The meeting of Hollywood and Soviet cinema classics 15 funniest collages


The meeting of Hollywood and Soviet cinema classics 15 ...

Artist and master photoshop in the Internet as Klod Mande continues to please its subscribers funny collages. In them, he unites ...

Looked like the historical figures in the movie and actually


Looked like the historical figures in the movie and actually

Filmmakers and screenwriters, taking pictures of historical figures, often distorting history in the direction of drama and ...

How to look famous Hollywood actors in their first movies


How to look famous Hollywood actors in their first movies

Beginning her acting career in many modern Western stars looks about the same. The path to a large cinema started either in soap ...

Filmstrip 1982 to the story of Cyrus Bulycheva "100 years ahead. Nick in the future"


Filmstrip 1982 to the story of Cyrus Bulycheva "100 years ...

The novel "one Hundred years ahead" for children of secondary school age Soviet science fiction writer Kir Bulychev in the series ...

20 films about such different, but beautiful love


20 films about such different, but beautiful love

About love, probably, remove the largest number of films. It can be different: tender and sincere, crazy and all-consuming, mutual ...

Top 10 movie posters, rejected by the censorship


Top 10 movie posters, rejected by the censorship

The poster is one of the main marketing attributes of the film. The combination of Commerce and art, it needs to "sell" the ...

"A clockwork orange" and 11 the most terrifying films about home invasion


"A clockwork orange" and 11 the most terrifying films about ...

Nice to see a movie about a not too sensible characters, as opposed to innocent attackers, sitting at home in a comfortable chair ...

How to create kilometrov


How to create kilometrov

Creating monsters is not as easy as it may seem. Monster must not only creepy and ugly, but fairly plausible, otherwise nothing but ...

How to change race or gain 15 pounds in a few hours


How to change race or gain 15 pounds in a few hours

For their roles the actors are extremely lose weight and get fat, causing a tattoo, shave their head and spend many hours behind ...

Accidents on the set of the films, from which the blood run cold


Accidents on the set of the films, from which the blood run cold

The set of movies most associated with the Bohemians, celebrities and beautiful Hollywood. However, it often happens that during ...

First role in a movie favorite Soviet actors


First role in a movie favorite Soviet actors

All these great actors, of course, we all know and love. But how well do we know what roles they starred in the very beginning of ...