You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

Categories: Fashion | Positive | Social Networks | World

The girl saw an unusual skirt of the British brand Pretty Little Thing on the Internet. She decided to make her own budget version of the skirt and, it seems, she turned out just as badly as in the original. Why "terrible"? You'll understand soon enough.

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original A Twitter user under the nickname savvy woman (a smart woman) saw a skirt of the famous British brand Pretty Little Thing on the Internet. The main audience of the store is young (from 16 to 34 years old) and brave girls who are not afraid to try on bold images and love extraordinary design solutions.

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

It is "bold and extraordinary" that the Transparent Mini Skirt model can be called. This is a costume consisting of a completely transparent skirt and the same transparent top.

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

The suit is for sale (yes, it's for sale!) in several colors: classic colorless, lime and pink.

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

The creators of this miracle assure that this thing is simply irreplaceable in a girl's festive wardrobe.

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

This outfit consists of 100% polyester and is designed for plus-size girls.

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

And this skirt costs 25 pounds. About 2 thousand rubles!

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

The "smart woman" turned out to be really very smart and made her own version of this skirt for less than a pound!

Look what she got:

Yes, the girl just wrapped herself in a film. But do you see a significant difference?

You can't see it! The American repeated the branded skirt, and it turned out no worse than the original

It remains only to make a top out of film and the title of the main fashionista is provided to her!

What do you think about this designer outfit? Would you like to relax in the company of lush beauties who have hidden their charms in transparent plastic?

Keywords: Brand | Women's clothing | Clothing | Film | Style | Skirt

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