Worst meals anyone dared to serve
Categories: Design and Architecture | Food and Drinks | People | Positive | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/worst-meals-anyone-dared-to-serve.htmlAs much as we admire the importance of taste, the point is that we are also very visual creatures - the better a food or food looks, the more likely we will taste it. On the other hand, if something looks unappetizing like it was cooked in an iron cauldron in the ninth circle of hell by a gastronomic demon, we probably ask, "Are you fucking kidding?"
Oh, and trust us, there is a lot of awful-looking food out there. You will find it in restaurants, hospitals, and even supermarkets.
We've put together some of the best and worst food photos for you.
1. Rolled chocolate fondant ice cream.
2. Imagine that you are killed, crushed, and then turned into your original body.
3. Coffee from a coffee machine in my department store.
4. The (highly) poisonous pufferfish, now free with dried anchovies!
5. Chocolate gnocchi from Trader Joe's. Thought whipped cream would help, but now it just looks like poop ice cream.
6. Good.
7. I want to thank Taco Bell for saving the best part of the tomato especially for my taco.
8. Why.
9. Why? Just why?
10. Do you all love simple sushi?
11. Banana water.
12. I actually paid for this avocado toast at a cafe near my apartment.
13. Potato salad.
14. Why.
Keywords: Food and drinks | Cookies | Sweets | Worst meals | Visual creatures | Food looks
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