Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Categories: Photo project

A rather strange project was presented by Carla Richmond, who, together with the writer Hanne Steen, collected a collection of photographs showing girls and women photographed in shirts, T-shirts and T-shirts of their men, who are no longer with them for some reason.

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

The photos were taken during a conversation about a past relationship in order to convey the experiences as accurately as possible. And while the photographer was doing her job, the writer was shorthandizing the answers, so that later she could translate the women's experiences into poems.

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

This project is united by one idea. Love, which can no longer be returned, always gives a sharp feeling. Someone is more or less calm, someone is worried, clinging to clothes as the last thread, in this case literally. Some even put on clothes with the words "Don't give up." We've all been in this situation, and we're all very familiar with it.

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

Women in the clothes of their exes — an unusual photo project by Carla Richmond

To us, this idea seems like some kind of savagely refined mockery of ourselves. Digging into the past means depriving yourself of current happiness. It is unlikely that such a method will help get rid of past attachments, rather, on the contrary, it will consolidate unwanted experiences. What do you think about this?

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