Why the fat raccoon Theme from Kemerovo became a star of social networks

Why the fat raccoon Theme from Kemerovo became a star of social networks

Categories: Animals | Social Networks

There are a lot of accounts in social networks where people talk about their pets. But very few of our smaller brothers managed to become real stars. A fat raccoon Theme from the Russian Kemerovo, one of the animals that could. The videos of the tailed blogger in tiktok collect millions of views.

Why the fat raccoon Theme from Kemerovo became a star of social networks

We can say that the Theme is the happiest raccoon in Russia. The owners dote on him and pamper him in every possible way. They feed him delicacies, take him on trips and even arrange spa treatments. The bohemian life of the animal is covered in detail in tiktok, in the personal account racoon.tema. In total, 1.5 million users subscribed to it, and all publications received a total of 27 million likes.

Why the fat raccoon Theme from Kemerovo became a star of social networks

Other pets of the family are also seen in the videos - the dogs Cosmos and Verona, as well as the cat Zhora. But they are more like extras than full-fledged heroes of plots about the idle life of the Topic. One of the videos describes the routine for a raccoon. The pet wakes up only for lunch and starts eating without delay. The first meal of the Topic is porridge and raw turkey.

After eating, the theme puts things in order in the room and goes for a walk. After leisurely wandering around in the company of one of the owners, the raccoon returns to have a hearty snack again. This is followed by a massage of the paws and ... sleep. Here is such an uncomplicated schedule that many working people will envy.

Sometimes leisure Topics are diversified by visiting the pool and bathing in the shower with a washcloth. Occasionally, guests come to the raccoon, for example, another raccoon named Vitya. Friends have fun taking baths and chatting on their raccoon topics. Commentators express their willingness to adopt the lifestyle of the Topic right now and ask the owners of the Topic to "adopt" them. The animal also has haters who criticize people who run around with a raccoon like a child.

Why the fat raccoon Theme from Kemerovo became a star of social networks

Some pay attention to the far from elegant figure of the hero tiktok. In fact, the Theme is noticeably larger than its counterparts living in the wild. When asked by subscribers about the weight of the striped star of the social network, people answer that he weighs 20 kg. Therefore, the raccoon was threatened to be put on a strict diet and forced to exercise. But judging by the latest video, in which the Theme drags its well-fed carcass across the floor, the work on the figure is not progressing well.

Looking at the video with the Theme, many will also want to have a striped fat man. But before you connect your life with a raccoon, it's worth thinking ten times.

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