Why do you dream about tooth loss

Why do you dream about tooth loss

Categories: Health and Medicine

People dream about tooth loss quite often. At the same time, neither gender, nor age, nor other features of a person play a role. Such dreams can be explained exclusively from the point of view of Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious. This psychologist was the best student of Sigmund Freud and was able to open many secret pages of our subconscious to us.

Why do you dream about tooth loss

Like Freud, Jung was sure that a person's personality is formed from component parts. The most important of them is the collective unconscious, which is born with us and lives in the depths of the soul. This component unites all people on our planet and it is thanks to it that we have very similar dreams.

Healthy teeth have been associated with youth and health since time immemorial, but they also symbolize family ties. It is believed that tooth loss in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing illness or failure. If there is also blood, then such a dream is associated with the loss of a relative.

Why do you dream about tooth loss

It is interesting to consider this common dream from the point of view of Jung's archetypes. The scientist called one of them a "shadow", and this is the deepest, hidden part of us, very often unconsciously suppressed. The "Shadow" is firmly connected with the sexual instinct and in general with everything that people are used to keeping secret and do not want to admit even to themselves. Sometimes these are shameful and unnatural desires, but there may also be deep-seated fears.

People try to hide desires that are unacceptable from the point of view of generally accepted morality from others and even from themselves, but they manifest themselves in a dream regardless of the person's will. A fallen tooth and a bleeding gum can signal a subconscious desire for death to someone from a relative.

Why do you dream about tooth loss

It is quite possible that this person restricts freedom, including sexual freedom, oppresses, prevents life and development. Because of this, the unconscious longs to eliminate this person and free itself from its oppression. But there is another version, already according to the theory of Sigmund Freud.

As you know, Sigmund Freud considered the sexual instinct to be the main driving force of all living organisms on Earth. At the same time, the father of psychoanalysis was sure, like his disciple Jung, that the most intimate desires, which a person is ashamed to admit even to himself, sooner or later find an outlet in dreams.

Why do you dream about tooth loss

A dream with fallen teeth according to Freud means that someone is suppressing a person's sexuality. It can also mean the fear of exposing a fan of masturbating. Constant thoughts about the unacceptability of self-satisfaction and that it will become known to others, unconsciously result in dreams about losing teeth.

But there are also simpler explanations for such dreams, originating in popular beliefs. Many dream books claim that the loss of a tooth or several teeth predicts the approach of an illness that can change life and disrupt plans. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of financial problems. The worst option may be a dream with the loss of all teeth – after it, if you believe the dream books, you need to wait for a big trouble.

Why do you dream about tooth loss

Another tooth loss in a dream may indicate a person's fear of being in an awkward situation, embarrassing himself in front of someone. But to see in a dream how others ' teeth fall out is a good omen. Experts believe that this indicates the impotence of enemies, the failed machinations and the collapse of sinister plans against you.

If the tooth is loose in a dream, it may mean that someone in the family will become seriously ill or even die. But artificial, false teeth symbolize insincerity of feelings, falseness, deceptions in personal life. Bad, caries-worn or rotten teeth can indicate moral exhaustion or work burnout of a person. In this case, it is better to take a break and go on vacation, or at least change the type of activity.

Why do you dream about tooth loss

If a man dreams that he has lost a tooth, and it does not work out to spit it out, then in some sources this is interpreted as the fact that he is raising a child who is not native to him. But the loss of teeth and the appearance of new, young ones in their place is a good sign that speaks of positive changes in life. Such a dream can mean development, spiritual and creative growth.

In general, although dreams come to us quite by chance, it is not worth dwelling on them. We are responsible for our own happiness and health, so it is better not to panic because of the images that come in a dream.

Keywords: Health and medicine | The unexplained | Teeth | Problems | Psychology | Dreams

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