Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?

Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?

Categories: Health and Medicine | Science

Everyone is well aware of purely feminine jokes about men “dying” at a temperature of 37.2. They are perceived as a hint at the effeminacy of modern representatives of the strong, but there is another opinion. Scientists believe that guys actually suffer from flu and colds much worse. Yes, they are not to blame for this - the reason lies in the genes.

Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?

Long-term research conducted by scientists at the University of Cambridge suggests that most men actually suffer from colds more than women. Biologists believe this is because evolution did not provide them with a strong immune system.

Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?

The main hypothesis explaining this is that men have always risked their lives. They hunted, fought, fought among themselves and simply explored a dangerous world. Moreover, their mortality rate from unnatural causes was always much higher than that of women. Probably, evolution decided not to give men strong immunity, since there was no point in protecting those who are constantly at risk.

Nature intended that the male hormone testosterone suppresses the immune system. Because of this, the symptoms of flu and colds in men are more pronounced and last longer. This is definitely not weakness or pretense - guys actually suffer more when they are sick.

Another factor influencing the tolerance of colds is the low concern of the stronger sex about their health and hygiene. It's no secret that men are in no hurry to seek medical help. Such a negligent approach to your health is fraught with complications that may not clearly manifest themselves, but ultimately affect the general condition of the body.

Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?

The different reactions of men and women to the same colds is a scientific fact. Scientists have become convinced that the immune systems of different sexes do not respond to infections in the same way. So men do not pretend and are not cowardly. They really feel bad and this is not a reason for jokes.

If you are afraid of catching a cold during the cold season, then these life hacks will help keep you healthy.

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