Why do cats lick people's faces

Why do cats lick people's faces

Categories: Animals | Science | World

Many have noticed that cats, when communicating with a person, try to get to his face. If they succeed, they lick their nose, cheeks and chin. Someone likes it and seems nice, someone quite justifiably avoids such attention, referring to the rules of hygiene. But it is not possible to completely wean the pet from such actions. Why do these animals show such a serious, almost obsessive interest in the face?

Why do cats lick people's faces

Most often, people perceive face licking as a way to attract attention. This is partly true, but this is far from the only reason for this behavior. Cats show care by licking each other's fur. They also use this approach when communicating with people. The animal, as it were, puts the person dear to her in order, just as it takes care of its kittens.

Why do cats lick people's faces

It also happens that the cat first licks the face, and then bites. This behavior scares many, because it looks like an unexplained attack of aggression. Although such a bite is usually mild, it can cause stress in a child or in an overly impressionable adult. But there is no getting away from this — this is a manifestation of a special disposition. Such biting means the next level of trust and affection, which can no longer be expressed in one language.

Some people notice that the cat comes to the sleepers and licks their face. This is also an emotion that shows that the animal is comfortable with a person next to it. In general, by the way a pet acts, you can find out his mood. If the cat licks intensely and even roughly, it means that she is excited about something and wants to share her concern with you.

Why do cats lick people's faces

At the same time, the cat calms down by itself. She sees the owner next to her, feels his warmth and smell, performs her usual action. In a house where several cats live, usually only one licks the owner. This is a kind of demonstration of superiority over others. In the process, the animal leaves its scent on the human skin, making it "property".

Cats have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. Nevertheless, there are many habits in their behavior that are not easy to explain to an ordinary person. And they also say that cats treat women better than men, but you can argue about this statement.

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