In the world there are two kinds of people: those who know how to Park normally, and those who parked like a complete idiot. Fortunately, representatives of the second type on the planet is still much less, but nevertheless still enough to annoy the more attentive to the needs of others most.
But as you can see in this collection, able to Park, people have found many fun and creative ways to take revenge on his renegade.
"Many three year old children it is impossible not to cross the line. Maybe if you practice painting this bug, you will be able to learn how to Park?"
"You Park like a jerk. Please do not propagate".
"I hope you fuck not how you Park. You will not get!"
"Parking space especially for you."
Roses are red dawn burning And shining violet blue, You're parked so vain, Know not friends you, brother, with his head.
What can I say? High poetry.
", "No Parking" means "no Parking"".
"Congratulations to today's winner of competitions in the Parking lot! If you are familiar with this man, treat him with great respect. He, no doubt, much better than you."
"The reward for shitty Parking".
Keywords: Stupid | Funny | Idiot | Car | Revenge | Park | Laughter | Lesson | Humor
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