Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

Categories: Design and Architecture

Equipped with three luxurious pools and a thousand of all sorts of "trinkets" - the insanely expensive yacht of Andrey Melnichenko is so chic that even Caligula would probably envy her. They called her rather modestly - "A". The beautiful vessel, more like a submarine than a luxury liner, cost the Russian billionaire as much as $300 million. It was for such an impressive amount that he received a unique "floating paradise", where door handles alone cost $ 40,000. But for this amount you can safely study at Harvard for two years with the best teachers ...

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Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

1. Russian Andrey Melnichenko is a self-made billionaire, first on a network of currency exchangers, and then on banks, coal and fertilizers.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

2. He has been on the Forbes billionaire list more than once. In 2005, Melnichenko married Serbian model and pop singer Aleksandra. The wedding took place in the south of France.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

3. Despite the huge fortune, the Melnichenko family does not like to advertise their life, which can be judged by the lack of open decks on the yacht "A".

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

4. Fortunately for Melnichenko, the expensive yacht did not leave a hole in his wallet, where 11.5 billion dollars fit. With such practically unlimited capital, such luxuries as a touchscreen navigator, bulletproof windows and a rotating bed are not a luxury at all.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

5. Ever since "A" blew up the internet, boat lovers haven't stopped talking about her. It must be said that the luxury yacht has both supporters and spiteful critics. Only a select few managed to visit the sleeping cabin, access to which is protected by a lock that opens with a fingerprint.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

6. After all, the one thing this family values more than material wealth is the assurance that this wealth will stay with them.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

7. The ship was designed by Philippe Starck, and his favorite "chips" - crystal, glass and mirrors - can be found throughout the yacht, for example in the living room with a brilliantly executed bar.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

8. The designer did not skimp on luxury and chic. For example, in one room, the walls are covered with stingray skins, and in another with hand-stitched calfskin.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

9. The length of the yacht "A" is 120 meters (almost like a football and basketball field, if you put them side by side). The railing alone on the ship costs $60,000. You can also land a helicopter on the yacht.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

10. Throughout his life, Stark created and brought to life thousands of projects - from furniture and cars to entire houses. In the photo: the legendary architect himself.

Whims of Russian oligarchs - Melnichenko's yacht

11. And all his creations revolve around one main philosophy: each of us should make life better for everyone, for whom he can.

Keywords: Oligarchs | Chic | Yacht

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