Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

Categories: Health and Medicine

Scientists have found that blood groups people have formed in ancient times, when there was not only of Nations but of races. They participated in the formation of ethnic groups and still affect human life in many of its important aspects. The Russian dominated the II blood group, which stands a little apart from the rest. How did it appear and how does it differ from others?

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

The existence of blood groups science did not know till 1891, while the Austrian physician and chemist Karl Landsteiner discovers that human blood is characterized by a set of antigens, and found three main options. Scientist have identified people with type A antigens, antigens of type b and a third group with no blood antigens.

Karl Landsteiner

So there was a separation of blood groups of all people living on the planet: 0 — first And — second and — third. Ten years later the followers of Landsteiner and his best pupil Alfred von Decastello found another group of AB or the fourth. In the blood of these people antibodies of two types.

Much later, in our time, it was found that the first appeared I blood. It was formed 50 million years ago and thousands of years was the only one for all mankind. It's the people I group participated in the resettlement of our ancestors across the planet.

Later, approximately between 25 and 15 BC formed the second group, and later — with 15 to 10 thousand BC, a third group. Scientists Peter D'adamo and Catherine Whitney of the United States believe that antigens, And characteristic of people who inhabited the region of the Caucasus and the Arabian Peninsula, and for the people, the cradle of which were the foothills of the Himalayas.

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

AB appeared relatively recently as a result of mixing representatives from the I and II group. It happened a little over a thousand years ago. Modern science believes that the second, third and fourth groups is a genetic mutation first, but I cannot confidently explain why this happened. There are many hypotheses, many of which look very plausible.

People with different blood groups are distributed unevenly across the planet. This happened because first the owners of those or other groups lived in certain places, almost without mixing with each other. There is a clear division of groups, based on race.

Caucasians have mostly II group for Asians is inherent in group III, but for the people of Africa, there I group. As for group IV, it is rare and from all races. Statistics say that group I has 40-50% of the world population, II group — 20 to 30% and III — 10 to 20%. IV group live only 4-8%.

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

Still there are examples of "purity of blood" when the representatives of the people almost 100% have the same group, for example, the first. This phenomenon is characteristic of the indigenous population of Central and South America, and it is associated with prolonged exclusion of Indian tribes from all over the world. It is believed that America was peopled from Siberia and Asia before appeared in group II.

In addition to the blood group of the modern biochemistry operates and such a parameter, the RH factor. In that case, if the surface of the erythrocyte is a protein, we speak of a positive RH factor Rh (+), and if not, the RH factor Rh negative (-). Division by this measure of people is very uneven and is very different among members of different races.

Caucasoid race in 85% of cases RH positive, 15% negative, from Negro — 90% and 10%, in Mongoloid — 98% and 2%. For the Russian people, and for the most part Europeans, characterized by a positive RH factor in 85% of the representatives of the European race.

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

I should add that of all mammals, only in humans found a negative RH factor. Scientists believe that this feature appeared 35 thousand years ago, when the species "Homo sapiens" separated from the animal world. The cause of the negative RH factor is still unknown — someone believes that the case in genetic mutation, and someone even suspects the intervention of visitors from outer space.

This is not the only difference. In 2015 in the Czech Republic published the results of studies that have shown that among the holders of the Rh (-) is much more common people with mental illness, antisocial behaviour and concentration. Men with a negative RH factor, allergies, osteoporosis and liver diseases.

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

On the other hand, Rh (-) guarantees reduced the risk of problems with the gall bladder, gastrointestinal tract and prostate, compared with men with Rh (+). People with Rh (-) are more afraid of bacteria, but are better protected from viral diseases. Often there are people with negative RH-factor among the Basques — he's living up to 30% of the representatives of the people. Many owners of this blood among the Israelites, but living next to Arabs 99% have blood with Rh (+).

Among the Russian the first group occurs with a frequency of 33%, the second 36%, the third with 23%, fourth — 8%. Holders of group II more than the world average, which is considered one of the features of the nation. Many reputable scientists believe that group II is very different and is not connected with others. They suggest that people with it are not descended from the CRO-magnons, ancestors of people I group, and have other, as yet not found the ancestors.

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

Now a very popular theory that group II was formed with the advent of agriculture. People going for starchy food with protein, have changed not only the lifestyle but also the composition of their blood. Group, And is inherent-thirds of humans, and this feature was formed over thousands of years. Perhaps it is the prevalence of people with all that blood and was the reason that Russia has always developed as a peasant, agricultural country.

We pay attention to the blood only in case, if person needs medical assistance. But in Japan, this indicator attach great importance. They believe that the group depends on the character, mentality and even susceptibility to different types of activities.

Where the Russian had II blood group, which is called "the peasant"

It is absolutely clear that people with the second group more resistant to stress. This is because their body produces more cortisol — a hormone that protects against stress. Thus, among patients COVID-19 Russians most of all those whom nature gave a second group. But don't jump to conclusions, because we already talked about the fact that the second group — the most widespread among Russians.

Keywords: Doctors | Group | Health | Research | Farmers | Blood | Origin

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