When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

Categories: Society | World

The problem of fathers and children is eternal, like life itself. Young people do not want to understand the elderly, the concerns of the older generation seem to them frivolous, and this generation itself is ridiculous and ridiculous. But sometimes one look at old photos in a family album can put all the dots over the "I".

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mother served in the army and flew a helicopter"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mother studied to be a welder in 1984 and was the only girl in the group"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"This is my father and his mother in 1959. She was a veterinarian. And this is their pet lion, who lived with them for two years"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father is at his first job at NASA"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father dives into the water from a submarine. Pacific Ocean, summer 1983"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mother was a homicide detective in the 80s"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father fought with Chuck Norris and failed him!"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mom does a handstand on two skateboards, 80s"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My parents in 1972 in front of their store in Paris"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father is on a smoke break. During the battles with the army of Saddam Hussein, the 80s."

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mother holds me in her arms and writes her dissertation on a Macintosh, 1991."

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father at his bar mitzvah - with the Playboy magazine in his hands" - and other relatives, 1972."

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mother at the Police Academy, 1984"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father was in Vietnam in 1969, when there was no selfie yet"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My dad is fishing... sitting on a nuclear submarine, 1966"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father is in the Philippines, early 80's"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father's graduation photo, the 1970s"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father and his motorcycle, which he sent by ship to England and on which he traveled all over Europe, 1973."

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father during a motorcycle race in Africa, mid-80s"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My parents and their friends during the ascent of Mount St. Helens, 1973."

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"Self-portrait of my father, 1980s"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mother was 15 years old, at a concert of The Allman Brothers Band, with a cigarette and a broken arm. 1979"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father's student ID card"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My dad was a fighter pilot in the 80s"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My mom and her surfboard, the 80s."

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My Dad and One of his Catches, 1987"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father at the Live Aid concert, 1985"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"I always knew that Mom was cool, but I didn't know that she was so cool. 1985"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father in 1988"

When you realize that your parents were a hundred times cooler than you

"My father was 18 years old. He ran away from home and took a bus from California to Texas to take part in this competition"

Keywords: Cool | Generation | Parents | Old photos

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