When spilled coffee becomes art

When spilled coffee becomes art

Categories: World

Agree, when you accidentally knock over a cup of coffee on the table, it does not make you feel joy, but only regret. But the artist Giulia Bernardelli (Giulia Bernardelli) looks at this trouble from the other side.

The 27-year-old Italian artist received her bachelor's degree from the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna and is currently working with children at the museum. Julia's works, according to her, are always obtained spontaneously. “I decided to replace the usual paints and brushes with whatever comes to hand. It can be leaves, fruits, coffee or some other food. I never plan my work in advance. For example, when I drink coffee, I think about the picture that I could create if I turned the cup of coffee on the table.”

(Total 24 photos)

When spilled coffee becomes art

When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


When spilled coffee becomes art


Keywords: Coffee | Trouble | Drawing | Artist

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