We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Categories: Photo project

From the point of view of the brief theory of relativity, everything is known in comparison.

Is it possible to compare cities such as Krasnoyarsk and New York, when one is located in Russia, and the second is in the United States? When the distance between them exceeds 9 thousand kilometers. When the population in the first slightly exceeds 1 million people, while in the second it is already more than 8 million people. When, while in one city the clock shows two o'clock in the morning, in another-two o'clock in the afternoon. When one is the center of world trade, and the second is the center of the Russian Federation and the capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. How can there be anything in common between these cities?

Yes! For example, the date of foundation. Krasnoyarsk was founded in 1628, and New York was founded only four years earlier — in 1624.

And also architecture. It's hard to believe, but we decided to demonstrate this fact clearly and connected two streets in each picture: on the left, a street in New York, on the right - in Krasnoyarsk. And that's what happened in the end.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Kingston Ave — Malinovsky Street.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Frederick Douglass Blvd and Vavilova str.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Fulton Street and Alekseeva Street.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

R. F. Kennedy Bridge and the "777" bridge.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Conney Island Ave and Mira Ave.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

30th Dr and Alekseeva St..

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Park Ave and 78th Volunteer Brigade Street.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Central Park West and Mira ave.

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

Adam Clayton PJBlvd, etc. named after the newspaper "Krasnoyarsk worker".

We have connected the streets of Krasnoyarsk and New York. Look what happened!

86th Street and Snezhnaya Street.

Keywords: New York | Streets | Krasnoyarsk | Photo project | Comparison

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