Vodka Museum

Vodka Museum

Categories: World

Evgenia Kulish aka Enia writes: "Agree, an ordinary restaurant (and even more so with a "drinking" orientation) has not surprised anyone for a long time ... And in order for the institution to become famous and popular with visitors, restaurateurs have to go to various tricks and tricks ... Someone gets live cats, someone books he puts them on the shelves, someone shocks with the interior! Everyone turns out differently... some are bad, others are better… And someone is just brilliant!

Drink vodka somewhere on a Friday night? Corny and vulgar… And go to the VODKA MUSEUM and taste a profile drink at the same time? It's a completely different alignment, isn't it?"

P.S. Stylistics and spelling of the author

(35 photos in total)

Vodka Museum

Source: Livejournal/enia

Vodka Museum

1. I wandered here by accident…

Vodka Museum

2. To the left of the restaurant room, to the right a couple of "museum halls", friendly hostess girls will sell a ticket, organize an excursion, tasting, a table, everything you want… Things can be put in the wardrobe. Photography is allowed…

Vodka Museum

3. To be honest, at first the modest appearance of the museum even disappointed me a little… But when I looked into the showcases and read the descriptions, everything here sparkled with bright colors, shimmering with shades from different eras…

I invite you to look in too:

Vodka Museum

4. "At the behest of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, large distilleries are being built in Izmailovo, five more factories are being built in the palace villages, in the Teryushevskaya region, Domodedovo and Tambov. One Teryushevsky distillery gave 2 thousand buckets of "good wine" and 4 thousand "common". The tsar demanded "to smoke incessantly, so that there was a lot of wine in the smoking room." Historian S.M. Karamzin.

Vodka Museum

5. "But especially Peter was having fun on the occasion of the launch of the new ship: he was glad of the new ship as a newborn baby. Thrifty in everything, Peter did not spare the expense of drinking, which was sprayed with a newly armed swimmer." Historian V.O. Klyuchevsky.

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

8. "All the holidays were like one another, after a rich snack with vodka of all varieties and an exquisite lunch or dinner, the table was placed across the hall and covered with silver jars with champagne and vases with fruits and salads." Count A.A. Ignatiev

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

10. Each Guards regiment in Russia is distinguished by its own "regimental" chic. If the cavalry guards considered the lack of any chic to be chic, then drunkenness and prowess became legendary in the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment. Nicholas II, the august chief of the regiment, wrote in his diary: "Yesterday ... in the cavalry regiment. Drank 147 bottles of champagne… I woke up – it was like a squadron spent the night in my mouth..."

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

12. State-owned distilleries, equipped with old and antediluvian equipment, lost a huge amount of valuable product. "With such a bad device, it is easy to imagine how much valuable product disappears… Academician Palegas complained. It was time to modernize the distillery industry and Catherine II was still concerned about this. "Who will make such cubes that are used in England, we will recognize this not only about our own self-interest, but also about the benefits of the state as a zealous son of the Fatherland!" Empress Catherine II

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

14. "I must stipulate that our gender was considered modest among the regiments, and most importantly - "non-drinking", not like the Life Hussars, or the Horse Guards, in which "Thursday dinners" were famous all year round - it's not easy to leave "alive" from such a dinner." Count A.A. Ignatiev

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

17. In this era, almost every day, some of the nobles were given holidays and large dinners, to which "invited and uninvited" flocked. ... the owner took him by the hand and escorted him to a table covered with vodka, caviar, horseradish, cheese, pickled herring, etc. At the end of the snack ... we sat down for a four-hour lunch feast." Historian M.I. Pylyaev.

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

20. "The distillery laboratory is designed for a twofold purpose: for practical exercises of students and for the study of new processes of distilling. The dimensions of the distillery devices installed in it give it the appearance of a small distillery. For Mashing distillery materials, there is a vat of 120 buckets of capacity, with a mechanical mashing apparatus. For distillation, a continuously operating column apparatus of Saval is used, measuring 6 hectalitres of mash per hour." Izvestia SPb PTI

Vodka Museum

21. "For more than 20 years, this subject has been deeply occupying me, and I am growing convinced that in order to understand solutions, their specific gravity should be studied primarily and accurately." From D.I. Mendeleev's working notes on the study of alcohol-water compounds.

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

23. "The Commissioner for the fight against alcoholism and excitement" banned the sale of wine in Petrograd, with the exception of pharmacies, from which wine can be dispensed by prescription in an amount of no more than 100 grams."Newspaper "Day", 7 Dec. 1917.

Vodka Museum

24. "... sometimes you can still meet drunk people on the streets, but for those who know pre-revolutionary Russia, it is quite clear that there are practically no drunks on the streets and in public places. The production of moonshine and its sale is punishable as a criminal offense." From the official report of the delegation of trade juniors who visited Russia.

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

26. "Vodka should be given to ordinary and commanding personnel up to and including the platoon commander of infantry, artillery (including anti-aircraft), and tank units located on the front line of the front, as well as special units performing work on the sections of rifle regiments directly leading the battle." From the order on the procedure for issuing special rations, Leningrad, September 22. 1941

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

28. And then many will remember themselves… After all, everyone had a book "About delicious and healthy food."

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

32. And it's already our days!

Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum


Vodka Museum

35. And this is a tasting kit! Impressive??? You can continue already in the restaurant hall… I confess honestly, I even wanted to be a non-drinker ... and you?

Keywords: Alcohol | Vodka

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