Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Categories: Food and Drinks | Life hacks | World

There are some things in our lives that people constantly confuse. For example, someone confuses Austria and Australia, and someone confuses zucchini and zucchini. Is the dark blue round berry a blueberry or a blueberry? Some products from the supermarket are simply doomed to be constantly confused. In order not to fail again, we offer to understand in detail what are the differences between them.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

These two vegetables are related. In fact, zucchini is a type of zucchini, and zucchini is a variation of pumpkin.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Zucchini has a thick and rough skin, zucchini — tender, thin and always green in color. Therefore, zucchini can be eaten raw. It makes excellent salads and snacks.

Visually distinguish coriander from parsley is quite difficult, but possible.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Coriander leaves are less dense, smaller in size, they have smooth, semicircular outlines. While parsley is characterized by a toothed shape. However, it is much easier to distinguish plants from each other by smell. In coriander, it is much more saturated, reminiscent of a mixture of pepper and lemon.

Blueberry berries are small, quite dense with dark purple flesh. The juice of blueberries is almost black in color.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Blueberries, on the other hand, are outwardly larger, fleshy, soft to the touch, with a characteristic whitish coating on the surface. The flesh of blueberries is light, sweet in taste and almost odorless.

Trout and salmon belong to the same family-salmon. Ready-made fish steaks are not easy to distinguish in the supermarket.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Focus on the color. Salmon meat has a warmer shade, close to orange. It is much easier to distinguish between undivided fish. Salmon is characterized by a silver color. The trout has a darker color, on the sides it has noticeable pinkish-pearl stripes, and closer to the ridge-large spots.

Externally, these root crops are quite similar, but there are some nuances.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Parsley pods are long, creamy-white in color, with a characteristic sharp spicy aroma. Parsnip root is slightly larger in size and softer to the touch. The aroma of parsnips is also milder compared to parsley, and tastes a bit like carrots.

Asparagus is an exotic guest on our table. It can be green, white, or purple. Most often, green asparagus is found on sale.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

String or asparagus beans are essentially unripe bean pods with thick, juicy walls that we enjoy eating.

These spices have a completely different taste, so you need to be careful in their application.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Cumin has a rich bitter aroma with pleasant nutty notes. The smell of cumin is not so pronounced, but it is more spicy. In appearance, the seeds also differ. Cumin seeds have a rich, dark brown color. Zira is slightly lighter and smaller in size.

Both chickpeas and soybeans belong to the legume family. Chickpeas have a rounded shape with a characteristic tail at the end. A faint nutty taste adds spice to chickpea dishes.

Trout and salmon, zucchini and zucchini and 6 other similar products that all confuse

Soy, on the other hand, does not have a pronounced taste. Therefore, it is an excellent base for many products: noodles, tofu, milk. Compared to chickpeas, soy seeds are smaller in size, round, and somewhat shriveled in size.

Keywords: World | Selection | Food | Food and drinks | Difference | Life hacks | Secrets

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