Top 10 most loving animals
By Pictolic living beings on the planet are subject to one common instinct — the instinct of reproduction. Not only people, but also their "lesser brothers" tend to leave offspring behind them. And, it must be said that some animals have greatly succeeded in this matter.
Here are the top 10 most loving representatives of the fauna, which can be safely called sexual giants of the animal world.
Undoubtedly, rabbits are leaders in the issue of offspring production. These cute little rodents can give the world a new life every 2 months.
If rabbits had the opportunity to reproduce as much as they want, and at the same time no one would interfere with them (meaning people), most likely, in 100 years a pair of fluffy ears would be visible on every square meter.
These rodents with a beautiful name are fully capable of making rabbits worthy competition. Although there are nuances here.
Female lemmings can produce offspring at least every month, but the process of reproduction itself is more difficult for males. Scientists have recorded a case when these animals gave offspring as many as 8 times in six months. However, the 9th attempt failed, as the emaciated male lemming died…
And again rodents with an outstanding talent for reproduction. The sexual act of hamsters can be compared to the work of a jackhammer on a construction site — in just an hour this tiny animal can give about 50 ejaculations.
On average, one female brings 2-4 litters per year. 1 litter = 1-18 hamsters. After a couple of months, they reach puberty, and are already able to repeat the records of their parents. In a word, the fertility of these rodents can only be envied.
Badgers, unlike hamsters, do not go "straight to the point", but are engaged in preliminary pleasures. Therefore, sexual intercourse in their case lasts much longer — about 1.5 — 2 hours.
Curiously, badgers are also very shy. They are unlikely to "do it" with the lights on: they prefer privacy and darkness.
The lion is called the king of beasts for a reason. They are the kings in everything, even in sexual relations. Scientists have found that one male lion can easily produce more than 80 intercourse per day. And this is not surprising, because lion prides, as a rule, consist exclusively of females. Therefore, the male lion has to do all the work for ten.
During the mating period, the relationship between the partners is very tender. The dominant lion secludes with the female and mates every twenty to thirty minutes - and so for hours (up to 30-40 times a day). Such a number of sexual relations with the same partner gives a high probability of conception.
Female sables can only be envied, because, according to the observations of scientists, the male of this mammal can please his beloved for up to 8 hours in a row.
Unlike lions, sables mate with only one partner, and the male does not leave his "lady" until she drives him away.
Not only animals, but also insects can boast of their... reproductive abilities. For example, ladybugs can mate for up to 10 hours without a break, and then lay from 200 to 1500 eggs, from which new insects will hatch later.
It is noteworthy that the male can mate with an inanimate female, and the female, on the contrary, with an inanimate male. So strongly they have developed the instinct of reproduction…
African beetles also have their own reason for pride. The length of the penis of this insect is 2/3 of their total length…
After mating, the females lay eggs, from which a huge number of larvae then hatch. Therefore, in terms of the number of offspring, they also have no problems.
Slugs have a unique breeding situation in general. The fact is that all slugs are hermaphrodites by nature — they have both male and female organs at the same time.
Therefore, before proceeding directly to the mating process, slugs first need to decide which of them will be a boy and who will be a girl. When they meet, a fight ensues between them, the winner of which deprives the opponent of a penis.
After reaching puberty, the male marsupial mouse can be said to devote his life entirely to the creation of offspring. He is so keen on finding a female that he even stops eating for a while.
It is not surprising that males of these rodents often die immediately after sexual intercourse. After all, all the forces of an exhausted little animal go to mating, which, by the way, can last up to 12 hours.
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