Through the eyes of the Vikings

Through the eyes of the Vikings

Categories: Aerophoto

Since 2002, Robert B. Haas has been doing mostly aerial photography, trying to capture the most picturesque and amazing places on Earth from the air. Through the Eyes of the Vikings is the third book in his collection. Haas, who previously focused on aerial photography primarily in Africa and Latin America, now focuses on the Arctic Circle regions of Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. He photographed these countries for three years. His book tells the story of a region at risk whose beauty is worth preserving. And if this is not done, the consequences will be felt throughout the planet.

Through the eyes of the Vikings

Through the eyes of the Vikings

Icebergs and blocks from the islands in the Red Glacier Basin in Alaska. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings

Industrial waste forms a vibrant palette at a recycling facility on the island of Langøya, south of Oslo in Norway. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings Dark clouds hung over the ice and snow in the western part of Iceland. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings An elk mother and calf left footprints in the snow south of Inuvik in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings Gulf of Bothnia, Sweden. The recycled pools at a sawmill near the port city of Carlsborg look like bullet holes on glass. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings Snowmobile tracks on the surface of a melting pond in Kiruna, Sweden. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings A man looks for shellfish for dinner in Clam Gulch, Alaska. (© Robert B. Haas)

Through the eyes of the Vikings The sun shines over the banks of the Neacola River in Alaska. (© Robert B. Haas)

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