This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

Categories: Animals | Positive

What could be funnier funny cats? Only photoshop battles with the participation of the funny cats! Now you will see for yourself.

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

On Reddit there is a specialized branch, where the most hilarious pictures from the Internet to the delight of photoshopers, which immediately begin to process them, bringing a bit of madness and making these pictures even funnier. This time the hero once their battle was the cat who wanted to get home.

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

And now that he was photoshopped in there:

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

Need more drama!

Rose, how could you?

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

Memes from cat only use

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

Don't go, think!

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

Vietnam flashbacks

"Stop waving a stick! Give us a hand?"

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

"I am Groot"

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

"Long live the king!"

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov


The goal is so close...

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

"Fly, you fools!"

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

"I'll play!"

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

Don't place the cats in outer space!

Seals for President!

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

"Happy trails, Hans."

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov

You can memname with other cats muzzles to change

This is epic! Cat in the window became a hero of the battle fotoshoperov


Keywords: Battle | Cat | Memes | Photoshop

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