They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

Categories: Beauty | Lifestyle | People | Social Networks | Society | World

Recently, the model from the UK has become a real sensation in the world of social networks. The nickname of our today's heroine is "Diamond Doll".

Just imagine, the circumference of the hips of this girl is exactly 1.2 meters! Everyone calls her Diamond Doll and it is about her that we will now tell you.

What does the "Diamond Doll" do?


They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

1. She currently resides in London, the capital of England. She became a real celebrity thanks to her subtle sense of humor and unusual appearance.

The girl is a video blogger. On her channel, she regularly publishes short humorous videos and also shares private photos with subscribers.

They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

2. As you can see, her hips are incredibly wide. This is what allowed her to become a highly sought-after plus-size model. Now Diamond Doll has many contracts with lingerie brands that bring a good income.

Given that Diamond's height is almost 180 centimeters, she can not be called a miniature doll, but the nickname has firmly stuck to her.

They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

3. Model without hesitation


The girl is not at all shy about wearing tight jeans or a dress with a deep neckline. On the contrary, most of the subscribers really like it!

They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

4. Since 2015, she has been working as a model. Over the years, Doll managed to work both in Europe and overseas. She has many awards to her credit and her work has been recognized at the highest level by leading fashion houses.

Remarkably, Diamond Doll is a rather cheerful and sociable girl who is always glad to meet new people. She easily makes friends and is always ready to keep up the conversation in the company.

They call her the "Diamond Doll": How Diamond Doll lives with 120cm hips and 180cm height, who earns $ 3 million

5. The girl dresses brightly and colorfully, as she likes to attract the attention of others. Around her neck is a huge chain of gold, crowned with a beautiful pendant. By the way, this is a gift from her close friend.

The girl does not consider herself complete and enjoys life, as she got used to her appearance a long time ago. Although earlier, especially in high school, she had complexes about this.

If you believe her words, said in one of the TV interviews, then every year she earns about 3 million US dollars.

Keywords: Diamond Doll | Overweight | Big booty | Body sizes | Beauty | Beauty sizes | People | Women

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