These 10 Images Seem Normal Until You Learn The Horror Behind Them
Categories: Catastrophes | Conflict | People | Society | Tragedy | World
By Vika scariest things aren’t always the ones that jump out at you. They don’t announce themselves with warning signs or eerie music in the background. Instead, they sit there, unnoticed, hiding in plain sight.
That’s what makes these photographs so chilling. At first, they look like any other picture—normal, unremarkable, even forgettable. But once you learn the truth behind them, they become something entirely different.
Scroll down to find out why—though you might end up wishing you hadn’t.
More info: Reddit
Raw footage from the 2004 tsunami is incredibly eerie. seeing people just watching as the tide comes in and having no idea what's about to hit them... Terrifying.
See this little girl scribbling on a chalkboard? Aaaw-
This is a concentration camp survivor, when asked to draw "home".
Here's a shadow permanently cast of someone caused by the nuclear blast at Hiroshima.
This photo was taken at 7 PM, May 18th, 1980, in the forests of Washington state.
In the photo is David A. Johnston, star vulcanologist for the United States Geological Survey, camped at his trailer at his field post.
Less than 24 hours later, Johnston, the trailer, and everything else within ~30 miles would be obliterated by a lateral blast from Mount St. Helens’s eruption, making Johnston the first US Government Vulcanologist to be k****d in the line of duty.
His last words were a radio call to the USGS station in Vancouver, WA, which you can find recordings of online:
“Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!”
Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers managed to document getting lost in the jungle in Panama. They kept going past the marked easy trail instead of turning around and went down the other side of the mountain, They wound up lost with no real hiking/camping supplies in dense, sparsely populated wilderness. At least one of them survived for a week. That photo is one of the last touristy ones, but they're probably already lost in it without realizing.
The car in that picture contained a bomb that blew up just moments after this picture was taken. The people in the picture survived, but the guy who took it did not.
This is one that always stuck with me, just the way you have this bustling city in one frame and the same city scythed clean with nuclear fire in the next. It's hard to imagine that level of devastation, a blast that burned civilians into the pavement and left shadows that would still be there decades later.
Hiroshima - Before And After Bombing
Tyler Hadley k****d his parents before he threw this party at his house. They were dead in their bedroom when this picture was taken.
In this photo a man took of his wife diving, you can probably see another diver on the sea floor. That's Tina Watson. A few minutes before this photo, her husband turned off her air supply and held her underwater until she drowned. He then went up to the surface and told the other divers she was "in trouble", and you can see someone else swimming to try and save her.
EDIT: He did serve 12 months in prison in Australia for Manslaughter as a plea bargain (Neither he nor the court knew if he was going down for m****r). When he returned home to Alabama, the US courts tried to get him because he'd planned the m****r there, but he got off due to lack of evidence. Australian authorities refused to help with the American trial, as they'd broken an extradition clause not to push for the death penalty.
Edit 2: I changed some info that people have corrected me on. Also, the manslaughter charge managed to stick because, despite apparently being a trained rescue diver, he made no evident effort to save her or share his functioning tank. Also, one witness says he saw Gabe Watson "engaged in a bearhug with his flailing wife".
Josef Fritzl enjoying himself on holiday while his daughter was still trapped in his cellar at home.
Keywords: Scariest things | Scary stories | People | Hiding secrets | Warning signs
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