The view from nowhere: abandoned world

The view from nowhere: abandoned world

Categories: Photo project

Photographer under the pseudonym Urbexography explores abandoned places and photographs them. Travelling around Tasmania, he made an unusual series of photographs titled Rooms With A View.

The view from nowhere: abandoned world

Getting into an abandoned house, Urbexography filmed the view from the Windows, trying to imagine what I was thinking the owners of these dwellings, standing in his place STO-hundred years ago, and certainly watching almost the same.

The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


Some Windows on these photos for over 200 years. This is the window of the old abandoned hotels and churches

The view from nowhere: abandoned world


Each of these Windows have their own history, but it is possible in just a decade, they will be gone.

The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The author is with great respect for these abandoned places and never violates the integrity of their visit. Except that leaves traces on the doorstep.

The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


The view from nowhere: abandoned world


Keywords: Tasmania | Window | Photo | Australia | Abandoned places | Australia and New Zealand

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