The real life of animals in zoos

The real life of animals in zoos

Categories: Animals | Photo project

When we go to the zoo with a camera, we want to capture the beauty of the amazing animals we have been watching. We try to take pictures where the cages are not visible, we try to remove all unsightly elements from the frame in the lens: fences, fences, outbuildings ... and all because we want the photos to look as natural as possible, as if the animals are in their natural habitat. The real life of animals in zoos was shown by Canadian photographer Gaston Lacombe in his series of pictures called "Prisoner".

Gaston Lacombe visited 9 zoos on five continents to show the true life of animals in captivity.

The real life of animals in zoos

The real life of animals in zoos

The fox at the glass fence. It seems that he is about to jump over it to escape from his "prison". (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

The real situation in which animals live in some zoos is sometimes simply terrifying. This tiger among the concrete slabs looks like a hunted, helpless beast. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

Looking at the series of photos "Prisoner", it becomes a pity for the animals. No matter how good conditions are created in zoos, wild animal nature should still live in the wild, in its natural habitat. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

The name of the series of photographs - "Prisoner" - speaks for itself. This monkey behind the glass seems to be asking to be taken away from there. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

This series of photographs by Gaston Lacombe touches the soul, especially when you see powerful predators in small cages. Not all zoos in the world are able to keep animals in proper conditions. Like in this zoo, where the bear is locked in a tiny concrete cage. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

Gastton Lacombe did not disclose in which zoos he took pictures. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

According to the author of this project, "even in the best zoos, you can still find animals that are kept in disgusting conditions." (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

"Not all zoos are the same. Some of them have done a lot of work to ensure that the animals live in decent conditions," says the photographer, who was born in Canada, but lives and works in the USA. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

The photographer understands that his photographs will not change the world and will not improve the living conditions of all animals in captivity, but he hopes that these sad pictures will help to draw attention to the existing problem. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

"This does not mean that I hate zoos, on the contrary, I love them very much, I just think that some of them need improvement," says the photographer - author of the Captives series. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

"Captive" by Gaston Lacombe. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe).

The real life of animals in zoos

It's a pity to look at him. The king of beasts in such terrible conditions. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

A ray of light in a dark cage. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

A turtle in a small aquarium. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

Camel on the background of the desert... glued to the wall. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

A baboon in a concrete cage. And there is only painted nature around. (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

The real life of animals in zoos

Other works by Gaston Lacombe can be viewed on his website — . (Photo: Gaston Lacombe)

Keywords: Animals | Zoo | Captivity | Habitat

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