The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

Categories: News | Society | World

Indonesian policeman Abrip ASEP was on duty when on the coast was hit by the tsunami. He never came home and the family decided that it was among 230 thousand dead from the elements. But now, 15 years later, the ASEP found in one of the psychiatric hospitals of the country. It turned out, his mind could not stand the shock of a natural disaster.

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

Police from Indonesia, who was declared dead by the tsunami in 2004, they found alive after 15 years of absence. As it turned out, he had a psychological breakdown at the sight of the disaster, and he was in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent nearly 16 years.

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

The day of the crash Abrip ASEP was on duty, remember his family. When he was gone, they were certain that he had died that day on the coast of Indonesia was struck by a 30-foot waves. His family was devastated.

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

It is only by chance relatives of ASEP learned that he is alive and is in a psychiatric hospital since the accident. They immediately wanted to take him home.

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

As it turned out, all the while a police officer was in a hospital in the province of Aceh, which came with a severe mental breakdown. He was unable to remember anything about himself, so to find it managed to accidentally — thanks to the photos of clinics that someone sent to one of the local groups in social networks.

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

Local police confirmed that the man, discovered in a psychiatric hospital, is missing Abrip.

It is unclear why the hospital didn't warn relatives about being a man is unable to name the address and coordinates relatives where the ASEP. Perhaps the man is not able to call their place of residence and family.

The policeman declared dead 15 years ago, returned to the family

Indonesia is much stronger than other South Asian countries affected by the tsunami of 26 December 2004. The result of the earthquake of 9 points and the subsequent tsunami killed more than 200 thousand people in the country. Thousands of people have gone forever with no hope to be found: giant 30-foot waves dragged their bodies for you.

Keywords: News | Indonesia | World mental hospital | Family | Society | Police | The discovery | Loss

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