The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

Categories: Art | Beauty | Design and Architecture | Entertainment | People | Photo project | Society | Technology | World

Kai Boettcher, a photographer based in Kaiserslautern, Germany, grabs the attention of his Instagram fans with photos showing the before and after moments of his artistic portraits.

Photos show him transforming seemingly mundane things into stunning portrait backdrops - using equipment and props that many people probably already have.


The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

1. Kai Betcher said he wants to share his behind-the-scenes moments to show people that you don't always have to spend money on fancy equipment to take vibrant photos.

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

2. Betcher sometimes takes pictures of himself in stationery or hardware stores - and he gets creative with common subjects.

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

3. In this photo, Bettcher has transformed a bush into a magical portrait.

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

4. Here he took a picture using his iPhone and his model held up a palm leaf.

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

5. In another shot, Betcher used leaves and natural light to capture a powerful portrait.

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

6. Here, the showerhead and neon light is used to create a unique effect.

The photographer uses cheap everyday items as a props when taking photos

7. By using minimal editing and finding beauty in everyday objects, Betcher proves that anyone with a creative vision can bring it to life.

Keywords: Photographer | Tricks | Cheap | Methods | Item | Artist | Portraits | Instagram | Social network | People | Women

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