The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

Categories: World

Can you tell the fake from the original? Hundreds of various images and photographs have flooded all social networks, including Twitter and Facebook, and it is not always easy to figure out what is true and what is false.

Most of the "sensational" images are the usual "fake", such as a photo of Nikola Tesla moonlighting as a swimming instructor or Theodore Roosevelt riding a deer.

Not so long ago, we already published a selection of fake pictures circulating on the Internet, and here is another batch of “ducks”.

(Total 13 photos)

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

1. John Lennon plays guitar with Che Guevara

Would you believe that one day Lennon sat down and played guitar with a famous revolutionary and Marxist (as well as a trendy T-shirt print)? There has never really been anything like it.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

2. This picture is an ordinary photoshop, with the help of which the face of Che Guevara was "imposed" on the head of guitarist Wayne "Tex" Gabriel.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

3. Embracing Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy

And this is also a fake, created by Alison Jackson, known for his photographs using celebrity look-alikes.

In the actual photograph on the right, taken on May 19, 1962, Monroe and Kennedy attend a Democratic fundraiser in New York City. And the pictures where the couple hugs or shows other signs of falling in love, in fact, never happened.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

4. People in smog-shrouded Beijing admire the artificial sunset

Even a real photo can lie due to lack of information. This image from the Getty photo stock, which was distributed by the Daily Mail, depicts the gloomy life of Beijing, where even the Sun can only be seen through a digital monitor screen. The smog in Beijing is truly terrible. But photography is misleading.

In fact, the picture shows a promotional video for Chinese tourism for Shandong province, which was played on giant screens in Tiananmen Square. The sun appears in the video for a few seconds and is part of the advertisement. This advertisement is played in Beijing year-round, regardless of the density of smog.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

5. Photo from a Soviet psychiatric clinic in 1952

The picture on the left is not some kind of paranormal activity that took place in a Soviet-era mental hospital. This is a dance show by Pina Bausch called Bluebeard. And the screenshot on the right is another shot of the performance, taken in 1977.

American Horror Story borrowed this quirky look for Season 3.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

6. Photo of John F. Kennedy and his daughter Caroline

A historical photography website recently published a picture (left) of John F. Kennedy and his daughter Caroline wearing masks. With the help of Photoshop, the president's face and Caroline's mask were swapped for some reason.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

7. Children who were mailed

Are people really capable of sticking stamps on their children and sending them by parcel to another city? It wasn't quite right.

In fact, in the early 1910s there were cases of so-called "mailing lists" of children, but with only two important caveats. Firstly, the pictures are not evidence that the children were sent by mail - these funny photos were created solely for the sake of laughter. Secondly, the "mailing list" of children is not at all what many people mean by this.

For example, 6-year-old Maya Pierstoff was "sent" on February 19, 1914 from Grangeville, Idaho to her grandparents for 73 kilometers. However, she was under the care of a relative who worked for the railway company. In fact, it was cheaper to send the girl in a "package" than to buy her a ticket.

In 2009, Ekaterina Steinberg gave her explanations on this matter: “Obviously, many were amazed and even frightened by these photographs. I met with Nancy Pope, a historian at the National Postal Museum. She explained that the pictures were actually staged. And there was very little evidence that the children were sent by mail. Only two cases are known in which children were sent as “cargo” in a train car due to the high cost of tickets.”

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

Source 8The Syrian child sleeping near the graves of his parents

The photo on the left went around the world under the heading "An orphan from Syria sleeping between the graves of his parents."

This heartbreaking photo was part of an art project by a Saudi Arabian photographer. The author of the picture, Abdul Aziz al-Oteibi, simply wanted to show the boundless love of the child for his parents. This photo has nothing to do with the current humanitarian crisis in Syria.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

9 Ella Fitzgerald Was Turned Down At The Mocambo Nightclub Because She Was Black

In 1954, American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald faced racial discrimination in West Hollywood. However, Marilyn Monroe said that she had reserved a table to watch the singer's performance and the issue was settled.

This story is partly true: Monroe actually helped Ella Fitzgerald get to a concert in 1954. But skin color had nothing to do with it (the club was visited by many black performers). The manager of the Mocambo Club, Charlie Morrison, considered the singer "not glamorous enough." And Monroe was a fan of Fitzgerald and helped the manager change his mind.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

Source 10The man who made the death masks of World War I soldiers

These masks, hanging on the wall, were actually intended for World War I veterans whose faces were disfigured during the battles. They gave the soldiers a little self-confidence. Francis Derwent Wood opened a clinic that created special masks for soldiers who had returned from the war and were maimed by plastic surgery. The effect of such a mask was similar to the effect created by plastic surgeons. “A person had a sense of dignity and self-confidence, he again began to be proud of his appearance,” Wood said.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

11. Carved Buddha statue at Nguyen Khang Takxang Monastery

The photo on the left was taken in Photoshop by an art team called Reality Cues as part of the Graffiti Lab project. But the photo on the right shows the Wulingyuan Scenic Area in the Chinese province of Hunan.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

12. The first mobile phone, filmed in 1922

In the old archives of the Pathé film studio, a film was found, filmed in 1922 under the name "Eva's Cordless Telephone". The video was shown even by the most respected media and became alleged evidence of the existence of the first mobile phone in those days. In fact, it was just a portable radio.

In the early 1920s, the term "cordless telephone" referred to radio technology. Then the radio was just gaining momentum and making the transition to commercial broadcasting. There is no evidence in the video that the device can be used to call anywhere. Women just walk and listen to the radio.

The most popular photo "ducks" walking around the Internet - Part 2

13. Photograph of the Fairy Basin taken on the Isle of Skye in Scotland

It so happened that this photo was taken in New Zealand near the Queenstown River, and all the trees were painted purple using Photoshop. However, even the original photo is striking in its beauty.

Keywords: Internet | Pictures

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