The most common male and female names in the world

The most common male and female names in the world

Categories: Lifestyle | People | Society | World

In 2020, millions of newborn babies will be born around the globe. Each of them is unique in its own way and a very rich and different life awaits them ahead. The first thing parents give their child is a name. Every year, countries rank the most popular names. Based on this rating, it is easy to determine the most popular names in the world. And today we will learn about them!


The most common male and female names in the world

1. Most popular male name

Let's not drag out the intrigue and say right away: the most popular male name in the whole world is the name, Muhammad. In translation, this name means "praised", or "worthy of praise." That was the name of the not-unknown prophet of Islam, a well-known religious and political figure who gave the world the holy scripture - the Koran.

The most common male and female names in the world

2. In particular, this name is common among Muslim people, and in some countries, there is even a tradition to call all the first-born males by this name. People who adhere to this tradition believe that a child named after a great prophet receives blessings and concomitant good luck. By the way, there are more Mohammeds in the world than Muslims with any other name.

The most common male and female names in the world

3. As for the rest, the non-Muslim countries, this name quickly gained popularity even there! In 2020, many English people have chosen to name thousands of their newborn babies after Muhammad, according to BabyCentre. A year earlier, the name Muhammad also entered the top 10 most popular boy names in the United States.

By the way, the second place in this ranking belonged to the name Noah, then Oliver, Arthur, and Leo.

The most common male and female names in the world

4. Most popular female name

After studying the statistics of 49 countries, scientists managed to establish the most popular female name on the planet. They became the name Sofia. It was in first place in 10 countries, and in more than 20 countries the name Sophia was in second place and entered the top 25 most popular names in other countries.

The most common male and female names in the world

5. However, in fairness it should be said that such countries as India, Brazil, China, and Nigeria did not take part in the study. If we talk about the British already mentioned above, then in 2020 Sophia also became the most popular female name in the UK, confidently displacing the leader of the previous 4 years, Olivia.

The most common male and female names in the world

6. The name Sophia itself is of Greek origin and means "wisdom" and "reasonableness." This name had several peaks in popularity during the course of history. At the end of the 19th century, the name Sofia was already on the list of the most common female names, but then its popularity fell and revived only in the 21st century, that is, in our time.

Keywords: Male names | Female names | People | Human names | World | Society | Newborn babies | Countries | Name rating | Popular names

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